Letter: Ashuwillticook Rail Trail Covered in Dog Feces

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To the Editor:

We have been waiting, with great anticipation, all winter to walk the Ashuwillticook Rail Trail. On a recent beautiful, sunny day we drove all the way from Albany, N.Y., to downtown Adams to pick up the trail on main street. To our great disappointment and disgust, the trail in both directions, was covered in dog feces, both fresh and what obviously had been there all winter. We had to turn back and abandon our plans, it was so repulsive and disgusting.

Russell and Christine Pearce
Albany, N.Y.



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Hoosac Valley Enters Lockdown After Online Threat; Threat Resolved

Staff Reports
CHESHIRE, Mass. — On Thursday morning, Hoosac Valley High School entered into a lockdown in response to an online threat.
A notification was released to parents stating that school staff was made aware of a "generalized threat via the Internet," and the middle and high schools were put into lockdown while state and local police were contacted. 
Superintendent Aaron Dean said the threat was not credible.
"Once the threat was determined not to be credible, we released the lockdown and returned to the normal schedule," Dean said in an email correspondence.
A statement released by the school noted that once the district determined where the threat originated and that all students were safe, the lockdown was lifted.
"Staff acted in an abundance of caution and all agencies worked swiftly to ensure the safety and order of the school," Dean added.
Dean said the school went into lockdown around 10:30 am for about 20 minutes before transitioning into hold in passing, or a soft lockdown.
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