Letter: Response to Mr. Williams

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To the Editor:

The response is appreciated, Mr. Williams. First, I'm sorry for the error regarding fundraising; it was not intentional. Second, I want to be clear that I agree that the youth center is vital to the town and community.

Additionally, I applaud that the youth center raised its rates, but I don't understand why it's "an option for families to pay more if they are able." Many in this community can pay a going rate for their children's care and the quality programming offered at the Williamstown Youth Center (WYC).

I gather that the national average for after-school care is $261 a week for one child. That figure is based on three hours a day, 15 hours per week, at an average $17.40 per hour.

According to the local school calendar, a school year constitutes 180 days of school for students. At the least, that's 2.5 hours per day for 180 days of after-school care provided by the WYC, totaling 450 hours per child. If I understand correctly, the youth center charges $900 per child for after-school care for the entire school year. Assuming that's accurate, then the youth center receives, per child, $2 per hour. If a child only attends the youth center for half a week, the rate increases to $4 per hour. Both rates are well below the national average.

This community comprises academics, lawyers, wealth managers, physicians, and other steady and well-paying positions. Yet it almost seems taboo for the WYC to be paid what it's worth by the families who can afford it. At the heart of the matter, the issue isn't that the town's taxes support the youth center but that it's only just that the youth center should first be paid by its families, adequately and appropriately, for the quality services they receive.

Pat Meyers
Williamstown, Mass.



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Mount Greylock Committee Accepts ARPA Offer, Sets Vote on Latin

By Stephen DravisiBerkshires Staff
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The Mount Greylock Regional School Committee on Thursday moved forward with a proposal to fund a consultant with about $66,000 of Williamstown's American Rescue Plan Act funds.
Meanwhile, it held off on a decision about whether to resuscitate the middle-high school's Latin program, scheduling a special meeting for Tuesday, June 18, to make that call.
The 4-0-1 vote on the DEI consultant work came after the Select Board earlier in the week affirmed its support for the idea, which was brought to both the town and school district by parents concerned about the school district's policies about and response to "bias-based, hate, bullying and Title IX incidents."
The parents are asking the district to hire a consultant to review the district's current policies and how it measures progress in making the schools more equitable and inclusive. The parents group also hope the consultant can advise the district on its communications practices, hiring and retention of staff and implementation of restorative justice.
"The deliverables from this review should include actionable best practices updates to policies and protocols and sustainable recommendations for measurable change," according to a memo from the parents to the School Committee.
Interim Superintendent Joseph Bergeron, who has consulted with the parents group, told the School Committee that the next step following Thursday's vote would be to assemble a committee to draft a request for proposals to find a consultant.
In the meantime, Bergeron said, the district would not wait for the consultant but continue to do its own internal review of its policies and procedures to address concerns raised by, among others, the district's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging/Parent Caregiver Action Network.
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