Berkshire Children's Chorus, Berkshire Concert Choir Spring Concert

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PITTSFIELD, Mass. Berkshire Children's Chorus and Berkshire Concert Choir present their joint Spring Concert, titled "The Sounds of Music." 
The show is on May 17 at 7:00 PM in the Common Room at Zion Lutheran Church.
Admission to these concerts is free. While tickets are complimentary, donations are welcomed to support the choirs.
Secure seats by visiting the following link:
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Dalton Traffic Commission Advises on Senior Center Voting

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff
DALTON, Mass. — The Traffic Commission will be sending the Select Board a letter with recommendations on ways to improve voting at the Senior Center. 
During its meeting on Wednesday, Traffic Commission Chair William Drosehn informed everyone that the Select Board has requested they draft a letter about how voting at the Senior Center has been going thus far. 
Last August, the Select Board voted to relocate the town's polling station to the Senior Center to improve accessibility for voters with mobility impairments. 
There have been two elections at the new location so far: the primary and local elections. Based on their observations of these elections, the commission's main recommendations were to have employees park farther away, improve signage, and consider getting a shuttle to the Senior Center. 
The primary elections were "pretty orderly" and had a fair number of people. However, the 12 to 15 people working the polls and the people who work at the Senior Center took up almost 25 percent of the parking, Drosehn said.
One possibility is to have the employees park along the edge of the road or in the grass field. 
Fire Chief Christian Tobin said parking on the edge of the road is fine and commented that the grass field is nice, but the more cars that go on it, the more ruts and mud will form. 
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