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Letter: Envisioning Pedestrian-Friendly Streets

Historically, we start by giving the right-of-way to the cars, pushing the pedestrians and cyclists to the sidelines. What would happen if thought that pedestrians and cyclists should get priority?

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Letter: Susan B. Anthony Should Have More Prominent Spot

Susan B. Anthony deserves more then to be in a place where 95 percent of the passing drivers and passengers will not see her

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Guest Column: Our Cultural Organizations Need Us Because We Need Them

In the Berkshires, our arts and cultural organizations take on another dimension as well. Here, they are a way of life.

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Letter: Advisory Should Be Order for Travelers to 'Self-Quarantine'

Would local police do so much as to even make a phone call to a former spouse as a friendly reminder to heed the spirit of the advisory?

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Letter: Smoking and COVID-19

We all know that smoking is harmful to one's lungs. As our lives are disrupted by the coronavirus, this fact raises concerns about the damaging impact the coronavirus (COVID-19) may have on those who smoke or vape.

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Letter: Coronavirus Tests Only for Those in the 'Big Club'

Now you have to be in that big club that you ain't in to get a coronavirus test. Ordinary folks like you or me cannot get tested. But if we were NBA basketball players, movie stars, royalty, or a politician we get to cut to the head of the line. You don't even have to show symptoms.

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Guest Column: SVMC Preparing for Coronavirus Containment, Treatment

The health and safety of the patients, caregivers, and communities we serve is our most important priority. Our hospital and community health centers remain open and safe, and there has been no disruption to the high-quality patient care that we provide.

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Letter: Quit Smoking for Heart Health

If you want to quit and tried in the past, don't give up. It often takes several tries before you quit for good. However, with planning and support, you can become tobacco-free.

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Guest Column: Statement on Sentencing in Steele-Knudslien Murder

In the two years since we lost Christa, the community has rallied around her memory and inspiration.

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Letter: Will the Bell of Liberty Still Ring?

In recent times we have seen an all out effort to diminish freedom in America. We have seen the democratic process erode into a dictatorial presidency in which honor, humanity and dignity are forgotten words.

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Letter: Problematic Proposed Lenox Short-Term Rental Bylaw

A town can regulate the number of days a short-term rental may be utilized under the newly passed statute: but this additional restriction based on who owns the premises is a regulation of ownership and not use.

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Letter: Blackmer Brings Expertise to City Council

On Tuesday, Nov. 5, I encourage everyone to vote for Lisa Blackmer for North Adams City Council.

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Letter: Support Breen for McCann School Committee

We are writing this letter to support an outstanding husband and father in his campaign for a seat on the McCann School Committee.

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