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North Adams Schools Talk Final Budget Numbers for Public Hearing

The School Committee received the presentation given last week to the Finance & Facilities committee for the fiscal 2025 spending plan.

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North Adams School Panel Recommends $20M Budget That Cuts 26 Jobs

The School Committee will be presented next week with a $20 million spending plan for fiscal 2025 that includes closing Greylock School and a reduction of 26 full-time positions.

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North Adams Schools Closing in on Budget Gap

The School Committee will likely dip into its school choice account to close a revenue gap for fiscal 2025.

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North Adams Schools Plan Forum on Grade Configuration

School officials are planning a forum for parents on the proposed accelerated reconfiguration of the grades in the elementary schools.

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North Adams Officials Mull School Closure

A draft budget for fiscal 2025 is up $2,430,054, a 12 percent increase over this year. This is largely being driven by three factors: contracted obligations, higher costs related to out-of-district placements and the loss of nearly $1 million in ESSER funds.

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North Adams School Committee OKs $20M Level-Service Budget for FY24

The committee was presented with the proposed $20,054,352 budget in early May.

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North Adams School Budget Increase Offset by Chapter 70

The budget was presented to the School Committee on Tuesday, following last week's review by the Finance and Facilities Committee.