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Clarksburg Town Meeting to Decide CPA Adoption, Spending Articles

Voters will decide spending items and if the town should adopt the Community Preservation Act at Wednesday's town meeting.

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Lanesborough FinCom Chair Resigns After Warrant Approval

Chair Jodi-Lee Szczepaniak-Locke officially resigned on Monday and the panel decided that Vice Chair Stephen Wentworth would assume leadership for the time being.

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Hancock Town Meeting Votes to Strike Meme Some Found 'Divisive'

By the narrowest of margins Monday, the annual town meeting voted to strike from the town report messaging that some residents described as, "inflammatory," "divisive" and unwelcoming to new residents.

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Dalton Town Meeting May 6 Preview

Voters at the annual town meeting on Monday, May 6, will decide 22 articles, including articles on sidewalks and the authorization of a number of spending articles, including an approximate $22 million budget.

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Hancock Town Meeting Features Major Question on School Choice

Town meeting voters will be asked Monday to approve a request to change state law in a way that will preserve education at Hancock Elementary School.

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Dalton Preview Town Meeting Set April 29

Voters at the annual town meeting on Monday, May 6, will decide 22 articles, including articles on sidewalks and the authorization of a number of spending articles, including an approximate $22 million budget.

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Williamstown Con Comm Keeping Spruces Article on Town Meeting Warrant

The Conservation Commission last week reaffirmed its commitment to a proposal to transfer control of the Spruces Park to that body.