Letter: Ashuwillticook Rail Trail Covered in Dog Feces

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To the Editor:

We have been waiting, with great anticipation, all winter to walk the Ashuwillticook Rail Trail. On a recent beautiful, sunny day we drove all the way from Albany, N.Y., to downtown Adams to pick up the trail on main street. To our great disappointment and disgust, the trail in both directions, was covered in dog feces, both fresh and what obviously had been there all winter. We had to turn back and abandon our plans, it was so repulsive and disgusting.

Russell and Christine Pearce
Albany, N.Y.



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Cheshire Goes for Prop 2 1/2 Override to Fund School District

By Daniel MatziBerkshires correspondent

Recently retired Town Clerk Christine Emerson was recognized for her 30 years of service.
CHESHIRE, Mass. — The town will have to vote on a Proposition 2 1/2 override to raise taxes in order to fund its portion of the budget for the Hoosac Valley Regional School District.
That outcome was reached at town meeting on Monday only after nearly an hour of discussion among more than 100 voters, the Selectmen, Finance Committee and school officials. 
The first eight of 30 articles the annual town meeting warrant passed relatively quickly and unanimously at the start of the three-hour meeting. But with Article 9, the assessment to the regional school district, the meeting became more of an information session and sounding board for many in the town.
The town's assessment for the $23 million regional budget is $3,098,996, an additional $150,534 over this year's $2,948,462. Adams town meeting approved its assessment of $6,345,380 last week. 
The motion for an override was put forth by Selectmen Chair Shawn McGrath as an alternative to using free cash and stabilization funds to pay for the budget.
If the Proposition 2 1/2 override is rejected, the school district's budget would have to be amended and approved by the town.
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