Letter: Comment on DEI in Mount Greylock School Budget

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To the Editor:

"Mount Greylock School Committee Members Push to Keep Diversity Post in Budget" (March 27) prompts responses from Lanesborough, Williamstown and other towns that send their students to the Mount Greylock Regional School District.

The DEI position has been a source of controversy since its creation. There is little, if any, disagreement that our communities want our schools to be welcoming and free of bias. The controversy stems from determining the best way to achieve this goal. Superintendent McCandless was spot on when he said that advocating for the schools "in complete isolation of the bigger picture ... is not a good recipe for actually getting a budget through town meeting. It is not a good recipe for building a long and respectful relationship with the community you depend on for financial support."

I urge the Mount Greylock Regional School District to reach out now to the sending communities with specifics about the initiative. They may have done this somewhat before, but there is still a great deal of uncertainty about what Superintendent McCandless described as "[an] ethically and morally mandated position."

Some of the questions I see as needing comment from the district now are:

How did the DEI committee come to life? What ongoing problems in our schools and/or specific event prompted its creation? Who were the founding members? How were they selected? Was there diversity of opinion on whether the initiative was needed? Was there diversity of opinion on whether a DEI administrator was needed?

• Who made the recommendations about curriculum changes? How were these changes vetted? How were they approved? Were any academics replaced by the new curriculum and content?

• Where can the public see the job description for the DEI administrator?

• Why does the DEI search committee think a successful candidate could not be found? How might they change their search if the position is approved?

• Many DEI programs exist in many schools. Has the district researched the effectiveness of several existing programs?

I hope others will quickly join in seeking information so our communities can make a well-reasoned decision about whether to include this position in the FY24 budget. The opportunity for public comment begins this week. I hope all interested community members will ask their questions and state their concerns and/or their support for the initiative and the administrative position. They can speak in this forum and others and attend the public meetings. Information, especially clearly stated and based on fact, defuses controversy and often gains support.

Donna Wied
Williamstown, Mass. 



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Mount Greylock Committee Accepts ARPA Offer, Sets Vote on Latin

By Stephen DravisiBerkshires Staff
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The Mount Greylock Regional School Committee on Thursday moved forward with a proposal to fund a consultant with about $66,000 of Williamstown's American Rescue Plan Act funds.
Meanwhile, it held off on a decision about whether to resuscitate the middle-high school's Latin program, scheduling a special meeting for Tuesday, June 18, to make that call.
The 4-0-1 vote on the DEI consultant work came after the Select Board earlier in the week affirmed its support for the idea, which was brought to both the town and school district by parents concerned about the school district's policies about and response to "bias-based, hate, bullying and Title IX incidents."
The parents are asking the district to hire a consultant to review the district's current policies and how it measures progress in making the schools more equitable and inclusive. The parents group also hope the consultant can advise the district on its communications practices, hiring and retention of staff and implementation of restorative justice.
"The deliverables from this review should include actionable best practices updates to policies and protocols and sustainable recommendations for measurable change," according to a memo from the parents to the School Committee.
Interim Superintendent Joseph Bergeron, who has consulted with the parents group, told the School Committee that the next step following Thursday's vote would be to assemble a committee to draft a request for proposals to find a consultant.
In the meantime, Bergeron said, the district would not wait for the consultant but continue to do its own internal review of its policies and procedures to address concerns raised by, among others, the district's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging/Parent Caregiver Action Network.
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