Letter: Trial Shows Trump's Character

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To the Editor:

The trial of Donald Trump in Manhattan might seem like a matter of legal technicalities, but I think it's really important in another way. It has shown us clearly the character of Trump and the Republican party he now dominates.

He denies that he had sex with Stormy Daniels, even when this obvious lie hurts his case and has little to do with the charges against him. He demands that others show their loyalty by repeating his lies, as Michael Cohen did for years. His ego is so brittle that he has an aide who prints out favorable stories about him to keep him occupied and calm while in court.

Meanwhile, a parade of Republican elected officials, keen to fluff their leader, have left their jobs in Washington to drop in and pronounce their disdain for the trial and the court.

In 2015, Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said, "If the Republicans nominate Trump for President he will destroy the Republican Party and we will have deserved it!" Although Graham has since joined the Trump sycophants, nine years ago he was prophetic.

The party has become a shameless cult engaged in undermining our constitutional principles. It will only begin to heal if it loses in November.

Jim Mahon
Williamstown, Mass.



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Mount Greylock Super Taking Principal Job in Great Barrington

WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — After years of leading school districts, Jason "Jake" McCandless is taking a step back to focus on a single school.
Mount Greylock Regional's superintendent will take over as principal at W.E.B. Du Bois Regional Middle School in Great Barrington on July 1, according to a report in the Berkshire Edge.
McCandless tendered his resignation last month from Mount Greylock after four years at the helm and just one year into his current contract. He had previously been superintendent of the Pittsfield Public Schools and in Lee. 
The Berkshire Edge reports the Berkshire Hills Regional School District announced the hiring via press release on Friday morning. 
Du Bois Principal Miles Wheat has taken a job in the Chatham, N.Y., school district less than a year after being appointed. Du Bois Middle School has an enrollment of about 350. 
McCandless was lauded by the outgoing class of 2024 at Mount Greylock's graduation ceremonies on Saturday. 
On Thursday, McCandless again declined the opportunity to explain why he suddenly resigned mid-contract from the Lanesbourgh-Williamstown school district.

Instead, he reiterated previous statements about how grateful he was for the opportunity to work in the Mount Greylock school system.

"Right now, I believe someone else is better suited, skilled and equipped to do that work here," McCandless wrote on the last day of school for students in the Mount Greylock district.

He did not answer a follow-up email asking why someone else is "better suited."

In his initial Thursday email, McCandless said he was comfortable with the idea that people in Lanesborough and Williamstown will fabricate their own reasons for his abrupt departure absent an explanation from him.

"Folks will create the narrative that works for them, with or without my version being on the record," McCandless wrote.

He also concluded his Thursday, June 13, email with the following statement.

"I am not sure what or where is next – but I leave the MGRSD Community nothing but gratitude," McCandless wrote.

By Friday morning, the Berkshire Hills Regional School District was announcing McCandless' hiring.
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