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Letter: Elect Deborah Maynard in Lanesborough

Why I'm voting for Deborah Maynard for the Lanesborough Select Board.

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With No Races to Decide, a Light Turnout in Williamstown Town Election

All four candidates on the town election ballot easily won election on Tuesday in a light day of polling at the elementary school.

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Andrews, Brule Win Seats in Clarksburg

Town Clerk Marilyn Gomeau said about 22 percent of the town's registered voters, or 273 out of 1,254, cast ballots.

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Dalton Elections See High Turn Out; Select Board Incumbent Wins

More than 800 residents cast their votes during Monday's town elections, resulting in Select Board incumbent Robert Bishop retaining his seat.

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Clarksburg Voters to Elect Town Officers on Tuesday

The three candidates for Select Board discussed their visions and qualifications last Monday at a forum sponsored by the Council on Aging at the Community Center.

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Adams Picks Select Board Candidates; Cheshire Nixes Appointed Assessor

Bartlett, a co-owner of the former Red Carpet Diner, garnered the most votes at 791, more than 300 above the other three challengers, and Duval was returned for another three-year term with 685.

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Retired Firefighter Running for Dalton Board of Water Commissioners

Ken Sagendorph, a former firefighter and emergency technician, says his goal is to improve communication between the Fire District, residents, town, and department if elected to the Board of Water Commissioners.

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Water Commissioner Incumbent Talks Priorities If Re-elected

Michael Kubicki says his priorities if re-elected to the Board of Water Commissioners are to ensure the fire and life safety of the Fire District and make sure the district goes in the direction the members want.

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Robert Collins Runs for Dalton Select Board Seat

Robert Collins felt it was time for a new voice to "shake things up a bit."

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Dalton Fire District to Hold Informational Session April 10

The Dalton Fire District will be having an informational session on Wednesday, April 10, at Wahconah Regional High School starting at 6:30 p.m.

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State Rep Candidates Speak at Democratic Committee Meeting

The three Democratic candidates campaigning so far for the Third Berkshire District spoke at a Dalton Democratic Town Committee meeting on Tuesday.

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No Contested Elections in Williamstown this May

Tuesday was the last day for potential candidates to return nomination papers with the required number of signatures.

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Clarksburg Sees Race for Select Board Seat

Colton Andrews, Seth Alexander and Bryana Malloy returned papers by Wednesday's deadline to run for the three-year term vacated by Jeffrey Levanos.

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Adams Sees Race for Selectmen Seats

Voters will see a five-way race this year for two seats on the Board of Selectmen, as well as races for Planning Board and School Committee.

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Select Board Seat Open in Clarksburg Election

There are no candidates yet for the Select Board with one week to go before nomination papers are due.

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Adams Sees No Races So Far

With less than a week left before nomination papers are due, there are currently no contested seats.

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As Nomination Deadline Nears, No Contested Elections in Williamstown

With three weeks left to submit nomination papers for May's town election, no contested races are shaping up for the ballot as of Wednesday afternoon.

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Mass, Vt. Voters Select Presidential Candidates Tuesday

Early voting in Massachusetts opened on Feb. 21 and Secretary of State William Galvin said more than 700,000 voters had requested mail-in ballots within the first week of early voting. As of Monday, more than 50,000 people had voted in person.

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Pignatelli Stepping Down After 22 Years as Representative

The dean of the Berkshire delegation has served in office for 22 years representing the citizens of Central and South Berkshire County.