Letter: Re-Elect Gordon Hubbard to Lanesborough Select Board

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To the Editor:

I support the re-election of Gordon Hubbard to the Select Board in the town of Lanesborough.

Mr. Hubbard prepares himself well by reading all the agenda materials before the Select Board meetings. He is very transparent, has no personal agenda, has an open mind and the business acumen that has worked well with the fiscal responsibilities of the Board of Selectmen.

Gordon has attended Planning Board, Zoning Board, Finance Committee, Recreation Committee, Board of Health, and Economic Development Committee meetings and every Business-to-Business Event while serving as a selectman in this town. He is very sincere in his desire to continue serving the community and he has always been courteous and a true gentleman when responding to the public at these meetings.

Given my roles in town government serving on the Economic Development Committee as the chair, member of both the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals and having attended just about every Select Board meeting over the past several years, I’ve witnessed firsthand the differences in the candidates in their preparation for the meetings they are involved in. I've also read Mr. Hubbard's platform, goals, experience, and education on www.reelectgordonhubbard.com.

Gordon is by far the more prepared, experienced, and professional of the two candidates in this race.

The town of Lanesborough has some very serious issues that require the best, most qualified person for the job. Transparency and accountability are very important when running for public office at this high level! Gordon Hubbard is by far that person.

I'll cast my vote on Tuesday, June 21, for Gordon Hubbard, Select Board member for three more years! Your vote is important – remember to vote – get the vote out – remember, every vote has an impact on the future of our town.

Barbara Davis-Hassan
Lanesborough, Mass. 





Tags: election 2022,   town elections,   

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Dalton Select Board Reorganizes

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff
DALTON, Mass. — The Select Board voted Robert Bishop as chair and Dan Esko as vice chair during its meeting last week. 
The motion was made by Marc Strout and seconded by Bishop to nominate Esko as vice chair. 
Esko has been on the board for four years and has served as vice chair for one year thus far. 
He said later that he is feeling very positive about the future and is happy to continue serving as vice chair.
"Having served as chair of the Planning Board for several years previously, I am comfortable in a board leadership role and can run meetings competently and efficiently in the absence of the chair," he said in a follow-up.
"I am looking forward to continuing my work on the Select Board with my colleagues to address the town’s current and future needs in collaboration with the Town Manager, department heads, and other boards and committees." 
The motion was made by Strout and seconded by Joesph Diver to nominate Bishop for chair. The decision passed unanimously. 
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