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A painting by Bruce Shickmanter.

Art on Main Gallery New Exhibit: Oil Water Clay

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Works by Michael Coyne.
WEST STOCKBRIDGE, Mass. — A new exhibit by artists Mike Coyne and Bruce Shickmanter will open at the Art on Main Gallery on Aug. 24.
There will be an opening reception on Aug. 26 from 2 to 4 pm.
Gallery hours are Thursday through Sunday from 11 am to 4 pm. 
The gallery is located on 38 Main Street.
Michael Coyne is a retired emergency physician whose artistic interests include metalwork, ceramics, photography, and painting. Michael’s art is inspired by; music, travel, the outdoors, and his love of colors. His works have been displayed in a variety of galleries and shows within New England and the Southwest.
In his paintings, Bruce Shickmanter tries to use pleasing shapes along with light and color to convey a sense of magic, mystery and movement. He uses the texture and matte finish of gouache to create a contrast with the transparent and ephemeral qualities of watercolors. He has begun to use acrylic as an extra complement to his work. The scenes he paints are often places he has come across while hiking or biking or are inspired by a photo that stimulates his creativity.  

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Monument Mountain Names Valedictorian, Salutatorian for 2024

GREAT BARRINGTON, Mass. — Ariel "Ari" Caine and Madeleine Rocheleau-Holmes have been named valedictorian and salutatorian, respectively, of Monument Mountain Regional High School class of 2024.
Both will speak at graduation ceremonies being held on Sunday, June 2, at 1:30 p.m. at Tanglewood in Lenox. 
Caine is the child of Hanan and Rebecca Caine of Richmond. They are a member of the National Honor Society, Edith's Ensemble Chamber Music Group, Creative Writing Club, and are an integral member of Monument's Fall Festival of Shakespeare and the spring musical theater program, managing the lighting and sound design for all performances as well as stage managing and acting.
Caine is the recipient of the University of Rochester Bausch and Lomb Science Award, the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendent's Award Certificate of Academic Excellence, the National Rural and Small Town Recognition Award, the AP Scholar Award, and the National Merit Commended Student Award.
They will be attending the University of Rochester (N.Y.) in the fall to study biology and theater.
Rocheleau-Holmes is the daughter of Anne Wild-Rocheleau and Christopher Holmes of West Stockbridge. She is a member and co-president of the National Honor Society and the recipient of the Williams College Book Award, the Rochester Institute of Technology's Humanities and Social Sciences Award, and also earned the College Board National Rural and Small Town Recognition for Outstanding Academic Achievement and the Seal of BiLiteracy with Distinction. 
A highly accomplished musician, she is a member of the Empire State Youth Orchestra and previously the Springfield Symphony Youth Orchestra. Last summer, she was selected to attend the Boston University Tanglewood Institute For Young Artists. Here at Monument, she was chosen to play with the Massachusetts All State ensemble and currently plays in the jazz ensemble as well as the Edith Chamber Music ensemble. In addition, she has taken part in the spring musicals both as an actor and as a member of the pit orchestra as well as the Shakespeare Fall Festival and the Advanced Drama program.
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