More than 600 Participate in Steel Rail Races SportsPrint Story | Email Story
PITTSFIELD, Mass. -- Matthew Ferraro was the first runner across the finish line at the MountainOne Steel Rail Marathon.
Ferraro clocked a time of 2 hours, 41 minutes flat on the Ashuwilticook Rail Trail course.
He finished a little more than five minutes ahead of runner-up Nick Reid (2:46:15).
Simone Veale won the race's women's division in a time of 3:18:42. She beat out Jill Hussain, who covered the course in 3:27:23.
The fastest marathoner on Sunday was Stephen Gulley, a hand cyclist, who clocked a time of 2:15:03.
The 26.2-mile circuit was covered by 150 finishers ranging in age from 18 (William Hanley in 14th place) to 72 (Ric Nudell, who finished in 6:04:47).
The day also featured a half-marathon and an 8-kilometer race.
Mark Rabasco won the half-marathon in 1:18:41, edging Vincent Gauthier (1:22:38).
Kat Morrissey placed third overall in 1:23:43 and first among women in the half-marathon, which had 213 finishers.
Abigail Chaloux was the fastest woman in the 8K, crossing the finish line in 35:52, six seconds ahead of Caroline Kessler; the two women were ninth and 10th, respectively, overall in a field of 171 finishers.
Peter Hale had the fastest 8K time, 27:42. Erik Kessler was second in 30:32.
More than 600 people registered for Sunday's races, a record for the Berkshire Running Foundation event. Runners from 24 different states signed up to run.
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Pittsfield Council OKs $3M Borrowing for Failing PHS Boilers

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff

PITTSFIELD, Mass. — The City Council has authorized the borrowing of $3 million for new boilers at Pittsfield High School — a project that was originally going to be funded by ARPA.

The nearly 100-year-old boilers are original to the building and have exceeded their useful life, officials say. They are converted locomotive engines that are extremely inefficient and expensive to maintain.

The replacement design was recently completed and a low bid was received. After looking at the numbers, it was clear that the allocated $1 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds would not be enough.

"$213,210 was spent on emergency repairs and the design work for the replacement project," Finance Director Matthew Kerwood confirmed in an email.
"The low and only bid for the replacement was $2,482,000, however given the complexity of this project I felt that a 20 percent contingency would be needed which gets to the $3,000,000 authorization. If the entire amount is not needed, the remaining unused balance will be rescinded at some point in the future."

The project is also time-sensitive, as one boiler is non-operational and another is severely compromised. If they fail during the heating season, the school will have to close.

"The contractor that was the low bid, in 30 days he can walk away from that bid if he wants to, and the other problem is I need to get this project underway to hopefully get them in and running by the time school reopens up for wintertime," Building Maintenance Director Brian Filiault explained.

"This is a major project, a major project. We're taking three locomotives out of that building and it's no easy thing. I mean, the building is built around it and we have a small portal that we actually will be able to get it out, we'll have to crane everything else. It's a very labor-intensive, very hard job, and I'm afraid of the timeframe because I can't run those boilers again. They've gone as far as they're going to go."

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