The Retired Investor/@theMarket The Retired Investor/@theMarket Fri, 26 Jul 2024 23:57:24 EDT en-us @theMarket: Markets Midsummer Slide Wallops Technology Fri, 26 Jul 2024 15:52:00 EDT July, as promised, has turned out to be a month where financial markets have been buffeted by fireworks on various fronts. A gambit of data from inflation to economic growth combined with a new American brand of populism has led to some unexpected market consequences.   The good... The Retired Investor: What Is Household Production and Why Is It Important? Thu, 25 Jul 2024 17:08:00 EDT Have you ever wondered how much your time and effort were worth as a stay-at-home spouse? Chores like child care, laundry, home repairs, and meal preparations rarely come with a bill attached, but what if they did? You may be about to find out.   All the above chores plus many more,... @theMarket: Politics Take Center Stage in Equity Markets Fri, 19 Jul 2024 15:05:00 EDT As temperatures climb to record highs throughout the nation, the financial markets feel their brand of heat as election fever takes hold with a vengeance.   Suddenly, value stocks, which have taken a back seat to the FANG/AI equity gang for months, are coming back into vogue.... The Retired Investor: Tax-Deferred Savings Accounts Set for Changes Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:16:00 EDT Starting Sept. 23, there is good news for savers who want a fair shake when looking for investment advice. Let's hope that the new Department of Labor rules are here to stay.   If the DOLs are enacted, more professionals than ever before will be required to act as fiduciaries... @theMarket: Inflation Data Boosts Markets Fri, 12 Jul 2024 16:51:00 EDT The Consumer Price Index was cooler than expected in June, while the Producer Price Index was warmer. Equity traders responded by selling winners and buying losers.   CPI inflation fell further than most expected as easing prices for gasoline and other staples like food and new... The Retired Investor: Tariffs Can Only Do So Much Thu, 11 Jul 2024 17:40:00 EDT Tariffs in America have been used to accomplish specific goals throughout history. Until the Civil War, tariffs were a revenue generator for the government. After the Civil War, they were used to protect U.S. industries and during the Great Depression, tariffs evolved as a negotiating tool... @theMarket: Stocks Grind Higher Making All-Time Highs Fri, 05 Jul 2024 14:17:00 EDT It was another good week for stocks following another good month of gains. Granted, in this holiday-shortened week, the volume behind the positive moves was paltry at best. However, many traders will tell you that only the price pays.   The macroeconomic data seems to be coming in... The Retired Investor: Tariffs Are Simply Another Form of Taxation Thu, 04 Jul 2024 15:44:00 EDT In this era of populism, tariffs have become as American as apple pie. Politicians are bending over backward to out-tariff their rivals. Voters are applauding the effort, and yet it is the consumer who will pay higher prices as a result.   I can understand how voters might disagree,... @theMarket: Financial Markets Could See July Fireworks Fri, 28 Jun 2024 16:05:00 EDT The good news is that early in this coming month we should see new highs in the stock market. The bad news is that we could also see some downside as well.   The equity markets' grind higher throughout June has been achieved by fewer and fewer stocks. Most of the gains have been... The Retired Investor: What Can Investors Expect From Coming Era of Populism Thu, 27 Jun 2024 16:25:00 EDT We are in the second or third year of a new regime change, according to my calculations. If this one follows the patterns of past periods, some clues of what might occur in the years ahead are available (at least from an economic and financial point of view).   Historically, it...