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Letter: Mass MoCA Strike

I stand in solidarity with the workers of Mass MoCA and urge the management to prioritize their well-being by reaching a fair agreement as soon as possible.

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Letter: Wahconah Park: Invest in Future, Celebrate Past.

Our Rome is Wahconah Park. And just the same: it won't be built in a day. I'm not talking as a mouthpiece for the team; I'm talking as a citizen of Pittsfield that wants what's best for Pittsfield.

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Letter: Democratic Writer Out of Touch With Reality

After reading his letter to the editor entitled "Contrast Between Parties," I'm struggling to determine if Michael Wise is merely out of touch with reality or if he's intentionally attempting to gaslight people. My guess is that it's the latter.

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Letter: Contrast Between Parties

Good government builds on laws and regulations, on debate and compromise.

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Guest Column: Quit Smoking Valentine's Day Message

If you are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant this Valentine's Day, consider taking the first step toward quitting smoking, vaping or using other tobacco.

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Guest Column: Help Someone Take First Step Toward a Nicotine-Free Life

The Great American Smokeout is Thursday, Nov. 16 — a great day to remind friends, co-workers and family about quitting smoking or vaping.

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Letter: Vote for Right Team for North Adams

Me, I voted early right there in City Hall, for nine members for City Council (phew!) plus the city mayor. I'm eager to earn bragging rights for electing the right team.

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Letter: Breen Has Right Experience for North Adams Council

Well, I just voted, and I gave my first vote for City Council to Pete Breen. Why, you ask?

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Letter: Fitch the Right Candidate for City Council

Andrew Fitch would be an excellent addition to the North Adams City Council and I am writing to show support for his election to the Council.

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Letter: North Adams Recovery Rally

The Rally for Recovery is a time to lift up and celebrate ALL pathways to recovery, and all community members impacted by addiction who are working to take that next brave step in their recovery journey.

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Letter: Alex Blumin for City Council

I am excited to endorse Mr. Alex Blumin for Ward 2 City Council. When we elect Mr. Blumin, we continue Ward 2's tradition of self-governance.

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Letter: New Name for Apkin

We are very excited for the depth that this partnership brings.

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Letter: PCBs Decision Disappointing But Not Unexpected

We will continue to demand improvements to the Rest of River cleanup decision, including more removal of the toxic PCBs from the river, use of alternative technologies to treat and remove PCBs from the river, its banks and the properties along the river.

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Letter: Fireworks Costly, Dangerous & Toxic

I am hoping readers throughout the county will join in the effort and movement to end the costly, dangerous, and toxic displays.

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