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Letter: E-Scooters Injuries: A New Epidemic

With the advent of the Bird e-scooters in Pittsfield, available to anyone with a license, a few cents, and a cell phone, I hope that Berkshire Medical Center's emergency room is ready for the traumatic brain injuries coming down the road.

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Letter: Support Ken Kuttner for Planning Board

We are so blessed to have two thoughtful, dedicated community members running for the open Planning Board seat. I'm writing to share my support for Ken Kuttner because of the vision and approach he will bring to the planning board at this time.

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Letter: Support for Williamstown Planning Board Recommendations

I support the Williamstown Planning Board's bylaw recommendations. They represent a good first step towards reducing the artificial barriers in our decades-old zoning map.

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Letter: Planning Board Candidate Carin DeMayo-Wall

I am writing in support of Carin DeMayo-Wall for Planning Board. I believe that her connection to and ongoing involvement in our town and our issues makes her the best person for the job.

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Letter: Vote DeMayo-Wall for Planning Board

Vote for Carin DeMayo-Wall for Planning Board. She's smart, energetic, and knowledgeable. And not naive.

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Letter: Jane Patton for Williamstown Select Board

Over the past two years, Jane has shown up every day, listened empathically and worked diligently to build back the trust that was lost with many in the community. She asked the difficult questions, held people accountable and made the tough decisions.

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Letter: DeMayo-Wall Running for Planning Board

We are becoming a town with a "missing middle." Those at the high end, with significant wealth, can afford to buy the scarce market-rate housing.

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Letter: Petition to Have Police Body and Dashboard Cams

I have put together a petition put before the Pittsfield City Council to have the Pittsfield Police equipped with body cameras and car dashboard cameras, which they currently do not. The petition has 105 signatures. The signatures were gathered at a "Justice for Miguel" demonstration in Pittsfield.

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Letter: Kuttner for Planning Board

Ken Kuttner will make a wonderful addition to the Williamstown Planning Board.

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Letter: April Is National Volunteer Month

We're taught from a very young age that we will feel good if we help others. It's true, volunteering gives us a sense of meaning, of purpose.

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Letter: Bilal for Williamstown Select Board

He has deep roots in this town: his ancestors lived and worked here. He is committed to an approach based in kindness and inclusion. He is the candidate who can and will help us reach a new, inclusive and more equitable chapter in our town's history.

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Letter: This Issue Is Not Biking, It Is Springside

What the PR pundits tell us is not the real story, it is a Trojan horse for the invasion of the park, and once lost it can not be regained.

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Letter: Proposed Zoning Changes in Williamstown

If we as a community believe that creating low to moderate-income housing in rural parts of Williamstown is a priority, that conversation should not be rushed. We should precisely study and research the best way to do this that will minimize environmental impact and increase the likelihood of success.

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Letter: Williamstown Needs to Change to Diversify Housing

To diversify our community, we can hold our breath for several more decades, waiting for society to change, or we can act to change our housing stock today.

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Williams College President Thanks Berkshires Healthcare Heroes

Today, the college is once again bustling with students, faculty and staff, learning, living and working on campus. Throughout the Berkshires, communities are starting to emerge and look to the future again.

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Berkshire Snapshot