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Williams College President Thanks Berkshires Healthcare Heroes

Today, the college is once again bustling with students, faculty and staff, learning, living and working on campus. Throughout the Berkshires, communities are starting to emerge and look to the future again.

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Letter: Williamstown Planning Board Should Consider Social, Economic, Environmental Impacts

I know we want to believe that relaxing these zoning regulations will increase access to reasonably priced homes, but it's very unlikely to happen.

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Letter: Comment to Ken Swiatek's Letter on Zoning Proposal

Opportunity for questioning and public comment BEFORE an idea or expensive new hire is officially put forth for a vote seems to have taken a back seat in town decision-making.

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Letter: Williamstown Planning Board Proposals

Has the elected Williamstown Planning Board amassed ANY data before making its radical town meeting proposals?

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Letter: February is American Heart Health Month

1-800-QUIT-NOW also offers FREE medicine to help you quit like nicotine patches, gum, or lozenges, and advises on the best way to use them.

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Letter: Why Rush Williamstown's Proposed Zoning Changes?

I am writing to express my concern about the rushed way that the Williamstown Planning Board is proposing to rewrite the town's zoning code.

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Letter: Zoning Changes in Williamstown Not Minor

The present proposals, as submitted, do not advance affordable housing in our town. In fact, they create real losses/costs especially for our rural RR2 zone. I submit that your proposals are a very big deal and need some big-deal time for thorough review and analysis before they are ready for "prime time."

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Letter: Williamstown Shouldn't Rush Zoning Changes

The process is rushing to put these changes in the next warrant articles, to be voted on in the next town meeting. This is unfair to town residents, who need more time to learn about and consider these proposed changes — few residents are even aware of their existence.

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Letter: Religious Liberty and Christian Nationalism

So let us all encourage our friends, family, and congregations of any and all religions to be very aware, and continue to speak up and speak out on this rising threat to religious liberty.

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Letter: Support Voting Rights on MLK Jr. Day

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s family has requested that there be "no celebration" on the upcoming weekend in his honor until the federal voting rights legislation is enacted.

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Letter: Merry Orthodox Christmas

Merry Orthodox Christmas, Jan. 7, 2022. This is celebrated largely in Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Greece and Serbia, by Coptic Christians in Egypt, and regions that have people from these countries

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Letter: Pittsfield Public Schools: Opportunity for Change

The Pittsfield Public Schools are struggling, but unlike the past the problem isn't a lack of funding — it's a lack of vision and leadership. We cannot hope to give our children the schools they deserve unless we adequately staff them. What should be abundantly clear to our leaders and elected officials is the fact that we cannot begin to properly staff our schools unless we start to compensate people (our teachers and support staff) fairly for the important work that they do.

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Letter: Williamstown Racial Justice & Police Reform Supports Bernard for Interim Town Manager

We believe that Mayor Bernard is the unicorn that Select Board member Jane Patton hoped for when she asked for administrative and racial justice experience in a candidate.

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Letter: Our Collective Future

Nearly two weeks have passed since the North Adams election and I continue ask what I could have done differently and ponder if it was all worth it.

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Letter: Parents Should Be Concerned About Violence, Drug Use

So parents keep your eyes out for signs. Check bags, if possible. Call school or police anonymously and let them know. This is the only way we can help keep our kids safe. Just because our kids are in school it's not just the schools' problem, it's ours too, we brought them into this world.

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