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Letter: Get Information About Dangers of Youth Vaping

The start of the school year and new routines brings new worries about teen vaping. These concerns are important, especially now, because smoking and vaping may put people at higher risk of complications from COVID-19.

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Letter: Macksey for Mayor

Jennifer cares for her community, her voters, for everyone. She is kind and wonderful listener, she will absolutely be a great leader. She is a positive role model for all of us. She is exactly what our city needs for a better tomorrow.

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Letter: Lynette Bond Represents Change

As an outsider who sees not only the potential but the current beauty in North Adams; as a small-business owner who understands the difficulty in thinking differently to live better; I encourage you to vote for Lynette Bond, the representative of change.

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Letter: Macksey Is Best Candidate for Mayor

It's clear that with all her knowledge in finance, education, and municipal government that Jennifer is the best candidate for mayor of the city of North Adams.

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Letter: Support Lynette Bond for the Future of North Adams

That's why I'm supporting Lynette Bond for mayor. North Adams deserves leadership that keeps looking forward. We need leaders dedicated to finding solutions, investments, and innovations that will endure for the decades ahead.

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Letter: Why I'm Voting for Jennifer Macksey for Mayor

When Jennifer announced her intention to run for mayor of the city of North Adams, I knew from that moment who I would be voting for.

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Letter: Bond Will Be the Mayor We Deserve

Lynette understands what it means to collaborate for everyone's benefit. She's a communicator, connector, manager, effective delegator, and community builder who works across lines of division to get it done.

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Letter: Lynette Bond Is a Leader for the Future

To me, elections mean hope. My hope with this mayoral election is that our first female mayor will bring fresh energy and ideas to the corner office and usher in a new era for North Adams.

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Letter: Lynette Bond Understands Community Commitment

Having a heart of diversity, a background in community service and a mind for grants and new ways of thinking, Lynette is the way to go.

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Letter: Bond Will Be a Reliable Community Leader

I can see how volunteer work has influenced Lynette Bond as a person, and how it will shape her tenure as the next mayor of North Adams. Through her dedication as a foster parent, her time in the Peace Corps, and her intense dedication toward the Colegrove Park Elementary School project, she has proven to me that she will be a reliable community leader.

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Letter: Bernard Endorses Bond for Mayor

As a North Adams voter, and therefore as one of nearly 9,000 members of the "hiring committee" for our next mayor, I recommend Lynette Bond wholeheartedly for the top job in the city of North Adams.

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Letter: Retired Police Chief Backs Macksey for Mayor

Having known Jennifer for nearly 25 years, she has the integrity, intelligence, and strong municipal knowledge to "hit the ground running" on Jan. 1, 2022.

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Letter: Macksey for Mayor: The Logical Choice

I would like to encourage the residents of North Adams to vote for Jennifer Macksey for mayor of the city. She has been training and preparing for this job throughout her professional career.

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Letter: Ivar Kronick Is Clear Choice for Pittsfield's Ward 2

I am writing this to give my unqualified support to the candidacy of C. Ivar Kronick for the position of city councilor in Ward 2.

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Letter: Bosley Endorses Bond as 'Most Qualified' for Mayor

While I know and like both candidates, this election has to be about who is most qualified for the tough tasks that face North Adams. I believe that Lynette Bond has shown the qualities and qualifications to be our choice.

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