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Madame K. Bids Farewell To Lenox

By Nichole Dupont

Karen Lee, owner of Karendipity, rings in the New Year with a farewell to 30 Church Street.

LENOX, Mass. – For the last few weeks, I’ve been cringing every time someone asked me what my plans for New Year’s were. First, I’d giggle and say, “I’m just looking to get through Christmas.” But then, usually, the question would resurface. The few who knew my plans were appalled, intrigued or just laughed uncontrollably at the stone cold look on my face.

You see, nothing is ever run-of-the-mill in my world, at least in my writing world. And fortunately for me, I welcomed 2011 with others whose lives, like mine, have taken strange turns to lead them to this point. So, while all of you were out enjoying an $85 five course meal on the town, or a wheel of brie and a bottle of Merlot at home, I was reading erotic poetry to a crowd of brightly-dressed strangers while ringing in the New Year with chocolate, music and pasties.

Yes, pasties. Karen Lee, or “Madame K” as she is k