Cleanse With Benefits Cleanse With Benefits Tue, 18 Jun 2024 11:45:27 EDT en-us Cleanse With Benefits: Food Hangovers Tue, 19 Feb 2013 17:00:00 EST The test is almost over. The fun almost done. Finito. That’s right, I’m nearing the end of my original 21 cleanse days. I haven’t updated in a week due to some unforeseen technological issues of my own; however, I am happy (or disappointed?) to reveal that in that there were... Jump to Day 12: Cleanse Continued Mon, 11 Feb 2013 15:36:00 EST A lot has happened since my last post—cabbage soup, kale salad, lots o’ rice, and the reintroduction of lean protein (meat) back into our diets! Unfortunately, accompanying these exciting events is the inexplicable and frustrating return of my exhaustion. This weekend was restful (at... Cleanse Days 6 and 7: Veggie Stigma Wed, 06 Feb 2013 15:00:00 EST Gina Stats, Days 6 and 7: Weight Loss: 4 lbs Headaches: Improvement! I only get a tiny headache by late afternoon when I crave caffeine the most. Skin and lips: Super soft and smooth! I use about ¼ the amount of chapstick I usually do in this weather.   Semi diet cheat: I... Legendary Sweet Potato Fries: Cleanse Days 4 and 5 Mon, 04 Feb 2013 14:53:00 EST Days 4 and 5: Let’s catch up from the weekend! This weekend, one of my best friends from school came into town to visit. Poor Liz had to put up with my constant, unrelenting headache and epic exhaustion. Luckily she comes from an exciting and hectic life in NYC and was just fine with... Cleanse Day 3: Turmoil and New Recipes Fri, 01 Feb 2013 13:23:00 EST Hellooooo headache! Well, folks, last night and today were a little bit harder than the first two days were. I’m suffering through this strange headache that comes and goes as it pleases and some pains in the back of my neck. I also feel very sluggish and it was hard to get out of bed this... Cleanse With Benefits: Day 1 Stats Thu, 31 Jan 2013 14:01:00 EST Made it to the second day! Luckily, I have a partner-in-crime who will be participating in the cleanse with me, Dylan. Though we differ slightly in our eating and exercise habits, we have one main thing in common: we are most definitely not the “earthy-crunchy” type! Sure, we... Prelude to a Cleanse Wed, 30 Jan 2013 15:17:00 EST My name is Gina Iannitelli and I will be doing something new, a little crazy, and definitely daunting. Follow me as I embark on a 21-day “cleanse,” from Jan. 30—Feb. 19, during which I will exclude gluten, dairy, preservatives, caffeine, and alcohol from my diet with the help...