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Donna McKechnie, left, Diana DiMarzio, Jessica Tyler Wright, Jane Pfitsch and Lauren Molina are the many Miss Joneses.

'Ten Cents a Dance' Snoozy Stroll Down Memory Lane

By Larry MurrayBerkshire on Stage
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WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — There were five of us who met up at the first matinee of "Ten Cents a Dance" at the Williamstown Theatre Festival, all musical fans, and the reaction was that two loved it, three hated it. Trying to find something positive to balance my feeling that it is an overproduced "Snooze-ical" is a challenge.

In what the publicists describe as the "American Premiere," the director, John Doyle, first staged this song-cycle featuring nearly 30 Rodgers and Hart tunes and a wisp of a narrative in 2002 at the Watermill Playhouse in West Berkshire, England.

Both that production and this could be accurately described as a series of the very nice songs of Rodgers and Hart performed very nicely.

Doyle has gained quite a reputation for engaging performers who not only can do vocals, but also can double as the orchestra. They alternate their vocals with intermittent turns on the sax, trumpet, drums and strings. Doyle did this to superb effect in the past with both "Sweeney Todd" and "Company."

The artistic conceit was born, Doyle admits, of economic necessity. "Ten Cents a Dance" has an abstract, dreamlike quality, as the actors circle around the stage in choreographed movements with their instruments, shifting from, say, viola to vibraphone to trumpet.

"It's a little like watching a piece of modern dance. You don't need it to be explained to you. You accept that it is nonlinear, you seep into it, and you yourself interpret the images," Doyle is quoted as saying.

In the Williamstown revision, five actors played Miss Jones 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 who shared the classic songs culled from the 500 or so Rodgers and Hart wrote. They are, in order, Lauren Molina, Jane Pfitsch, Jessica Tyler Wright, Diana DiMarzio and Donna McKechnie. Rounding out the ensemble is Malcolm Gets as Johnny, who is also an accomplished piano player.

Scott Pask created a haunted, dreamlike set for the sextet to sleepwalk through, for the energy level seemed to be set fairly low. Without a real book or plot, "Ten Cents a Dance" is a series of cleverly arranged medleys of song based on the flimsiest of similarities.

In the original production, the singers buzzed around the stage on rolling chairs, but in the WTF production, only the bass was on rollers, and the piano rotated all too frequently as the various Miss Jones' preened and posed in their 1930s floral print dresses and overdone hair.

What a waste of perfectly good talent.

None got to sing a whole song straight through either, and to earn their own individual applause. In fact, the mooshing of one song into the next stifled audience applause, and the overly moody staging acted to shut down any connection between performers and listeners.

This production worked for those who simply wanted to hear the music of Rodgers and Hart in a new way, and, forgive me for saying this, but it was a lot like elevator music. Safe and bloodless. Perhaps others enjoyed hearing the words, or the music in a nonthreatening way.

Donna McKechnie in the spotlight with Malcolm Gets as Johnny at the piano.
Ten Cents a Dance
conceived & directed by John Doyle
music by Richard Rodgers
& lyrics by Lorenz Hart


Johnny – Malcolm Gets
Miss Jones 1 – Lauren Molina
Miss Jones 2 – Jane Pfitsch
Miss Jones 3 – Jessica Tyler Wright
Miss Jones 4 – Diana DiMarzio
Miss Jones 5 – Donna McKechnie

Scott Pask (Sets), Ann Hould-Ward (Costumes), Jane Cox (Lights) Dan Moses-Schreier (Sound), Paul Huntley (Wigs), Dontee Kiehn (Movement Consultant), Mary-Mitchell Campbell (Musical Director and Orchestrator).

Runs Aug. 11-28, 80 minutes with no intermission, on the Main Stage, Williamstown Theatre Festival.
You might feel a bit cheated. They had Donna McKechnie on that stage and the most she was told to do is wave her arms now and then and swirl the hem of her dress? No wonder a colleague observed that far too much of the music was Butchered, Bothered and Bewildered. All too often it was like a choir performance, not two Broadway legendary composers being honored.

Broken into five "episodes" the segments were titled "The Blue Room," "Isn't It Romantic," "Manhattan," "Ten Cents a Dance" and "Quiet Night." There was also an encore consisting of reprises. There were 32 different songs all told.

It's really a toss up when it comes to recommending it or not, since those who enjoyed the show did so because they love Rodgers and Hart. And those who thought it terrible said they disliked it because they love Rodgers and Hart.

The set and lighting was very evocative of a warehouse of memories. And there was a giant spiral staircase (which show has that appeared in before?) which served for slow, deliberate entrance and exits.

Except when the walls turned blue ("Blue Moon," "Little Girl Blue," "A Blue Room") the overall effect of the surroundings was more of a chiaroscuro film than a musical. There was a moodiness and muddiness to the musings of Mr. Jones, which seemed to darken so many of the songs. One can only speculate as to what the subtext to all this was; he seemed pretty unhappy, even as he shed his tux down to a wife-beater tee. Don't ask me what that meant.

The five Miss Joneses seemed to represent his great love at various stages of his relationship. Still it was hard to tell, mostly they just continually circled around the piano like some seniors on a mall walk. Some of the music was sung in unison, missing acres of harmonic possibilities.

If you like the music of Rodgers and Hart, and theater that lulls you and conjures up old love affairs, hazy memories, and days gone by, this is the perfect show to enjoy.

But if you like singers to really sell their songs, to belt them out, to put real heart and soul into the lyrics, well, perhaps you might wait until a real musical comes along.

Larry Murray is a contributor to and offers reviews and arts news from around the region at Berkshire On Stage.

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Williamstown's 1896 House Back Before Board of Health on Electrical Issue

By Stephen DravisiBerkshires Staff
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The months-long conversation between the owners of the 1896 House and the Board of Health finally may be coming to a close … at least on one front.
On Monday morning, at a special meeting of the board, it reaffirmed an order to correct electrical deficiencies at the Brookside motel but heard that order could be lifted by the middle of this week.
The '6 House Pub, also owned by the Oring family at the same property, remains under a boil water order under the jurisdiction of the town's health department.
But the last remaining electrical issue — upgrading the motel's service to 400 amps — triggered the town's building commissioner to suspend the certificate of occupancy for the 16-room motel on the east side of Route 7. 
That problem could be repaired as soon as Tuesday.
"My last conversation with [the electrician on site] Friday evening was he'd be done [Tuesday], and I'm scheduled to inspect the service," Electrical Inspector Joe Beverly told the board on Monday.
Beverly and Building Commissioner Ryan Contenta attended Monday's meeting, as did one of the property's owners, Michael Oring, who attended virtually, and Zach Oring, who manages the property.
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