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North Adams Emergency Vehicle Gutted by Blaze

By Tammy DanielsiBerkshires Staff
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NORTH ADAMS — North Adams Ambulance Service's newest vehicle went up in flames on Monday morning less than a year after being put in service.

The fire occurred at about 6 a.m. on Labor Day as a patient was being transported north on Church Street from Windom Terrace to North Adams Regional Hospital.

"They got to around the library and smoke started to fill the cab," said service manager John P. Meaney Jr. on Monday evening. The two emergency medical technicians pulled over and got the patient out of the ambulance and away from the vehicle as flames began to shoot out of it.

The Fire Department was called to the scene and another ambulance arrived to take the patient to the hospital. Meaney said no one was injured but the $95,000 ambulance "is a total loss."

The blaze apparently began inside the cab behind the driver's seat where a electrical wiring hub is located. The cab was gutted and the box section of the ambulance above and to the side of the driver's seat was heavily damaged.

Photos by George Beckwith
Above, the cab of the ambulance was heavily damaged by fire; below, the heat caused the plastic light covers in the bay to droop.
The fire burned so hot that there was concern about the oxygen tanks inside, said Meaney, who was out of town when the fire occurred.

"It looked like it got really hot," he said, and burned a hole through the side of the box, possibly from an oxygen line. "It looks like that hole maybe burned off the oxygen."

Ambulance No. 3 was placed in service last October and had 16,000 miles on it. In addition to the vehicle itself, the ambulance service lost thousands of dollars in equipment.

The EMTs were able to save the new computer in the cab, the automatic external defibrillator and a few other items, said Meaney. "The radio is a total loss, that's a few thousand there, but a lot of the major-expense equipment we could save."

He said the insurance company has already been contacted and should cover the vehicle; the service also has umbrella insurance to cover the equipment. He wasn't sure if the insurance company would investigate the cause. "I don't necessarily know if we'll ever know what started it."

The ambulance was purchased from Yankee Fire and Rescue Inc. in Palmer. Meaney said he hoped to order a new ambulance by the end of the week; it could take about a month for delivery. In the meantime, he'll ask the company if it has a loaner that can be used until a new vehicle is in service.

The loss of No. 3 won't affect the ambulance's ability to cover the city, he said, because the service normally operates two vehicles — the third is a back up.

"I'm just glad nobody was hurt. The ambulance and equipment, those can be replaced," said Meaney. But, he added, "we were proud of that ambulance."
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Clarksburg OKs $5.1M Budget; Moves CPA Adoption Forward

By Tammy DanielsiBerkshires Staff

Newly elected Moderator Seth Alexander kept the meeting moving. 
CLARKSBURG, Mass. — The annual town meeting sped through most of the warrant on Wednesday night, swiftly passing a total budget of $5.1 million for fiscal 2025 with no comments. 
Close to 70 voters at Clarksburg School also moved adoption of the state's Community Preservation Act to the November ballot after a lot of questions in trying to understand the scope of the act. 
The town operating budget is $1,767,759, down $113,995 largely because of debt falling off. Major increases include insurance, utilities and supplies; the addition of a full-time laborer in the Department of Public Works and an additional eight hours a week for the accountant.
The school budget is at $2,967,609, up $129,192 or 4 percent over this year. Clarksburg's assessment to the Northern Berkshire Vocational School District is $363,220.
Approved was delaying the swearing in of new officers until after town meeting; extending the one-year terms of moderator and tree warden to three years beginning with the 2025 election; switching the licensing of dogs beginning in January and enacting a bylaw ordering dog owners to pick up after their pets. This last was amended to include the words "and wheelchair-bound" after the exemption for owners who are blind. 
The town more recently established an Agricultural Committee and on Wednesday approved a right-to-farm bylaw to protect agriculture. 
Larry Beach of River Road asked why anyone would be against and what the downside would be. Select Board Chair Robert Norcross said neighbors of farmers can complain about smells and livestock like chickens. 
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