April 2012 Health Tip: Concussions

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This month's health tip from the Massachusetts Medical Society, the statewide association of physicians, covers concussions.  

A concussion is a traumatic brain injury caused by a blow to the head that jars the brain's soft tissue. The tissue then hits the hard skull, resulting in the brain malfunctioning.

A concussion can lead to a lifelong debilitating injury. An athlete, for example, doesn't have to be knocked unconscious to suffer this injury. A better measure of its severity is how long the symptoms last – headaches, confusion, blurred vision, and other behavioral abnormalities.

Massachusetts now has state laws on concussion awareness and training for high-school athletics, but those in youth sports are also at risk. Younger athletes, in fact, can be more susceptible to injury and take longer to heal.

Concussions aren't just confined to organized sports. The Centers for Disease Control lists the five leading causes of concussions as bicycling, football, basketball, playground activities, and soccer. Falls are a leading cause among citizens 65 and older.

To learn more, visit www.mass.gov/dph/concussion for state regulations on student athletes; www.cdc.gov/concussion for general information including signs, symptoms and prevention; www.massmed.org/sportssafety for a free coach's guide.
If you would like to contribute information on this article, contact us at info@iberkshires.com.

Pittsfield Officials: Unlimited Trash Not Sustainable, Toters Offer Cost-Savings

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff

PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Unlimited trash pickup is not sustainable and will lead to higher taxes, city officials say.

Mayor Peter Marchetti began public outreach on Monday on the proposed five-year contract with Casella Waste Management for solid waste and recyclables. Older residents packed into the Ralph J. Froio Senior Center for the first of three community meetings.

On the table is a move to automated pickup utilizing 48-gallon toters, which would be at no cost to residents unless they require additional toters and would save the city $80,000 per year.

The goal is to execute a contract by July 1, the start of the fiscal year.

"Trash collection is not free. You're already paying for it as part of your taxes that you pay. In this administration, in this proposal there is no 'I'm looking to create a trash tax,''' Marchetti said, explaining that trash pickup for fiscal year 2025 is around $5.1 million and has doubled since he first served on the council in 2002.

"So we need to find a way to stem the cost of trash."

Some of the seniors praised the new plan while others had concerns, asking questions like "What is going to happen to the trash cans we have now?" "What if I live in rural Pittsfield and have a long driveway?" and "What happens if my toter is stolen?"

"I've lived in a lot of other places and know this is a big innovation that is taking place over the last 20,30 years," one resident said. "It's worked in most places. It's much better than throwing bags of garbage on the side of the road."

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