Letter: Petition to Have Police Body and Dashboard Cams

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To the Editor:

I have put together a petition put before the Pittsfield City Council to have the Pittsfield Police equipped with body cameras and car dashboard cameras, which they currently do not. The petition has 105 signatures. The signatures were gathered at a "Justice for Miguel" demonstration in Pittsfield.

The petition reads as follows, "We, the undersigned, in light of the shooting of Miguel Estrella and Daniel Gillis where there was no body camera footage, hereby petition the City of Pittsfield to equip Pittsfield Police Officers with body cameras and police cruisers with dashboard cameras. Video footage greatly assists in the preservation of the truth with respect to police encounters. It neither favors the citizen interacting with the police or the police officers themselves — it neutrally captures what actually occurred."

It is expected that the item will be placed on the Pittsfield City Council Agenda for Tuesday, April 26, at 6 p.m. Those members of the public who wish to speak must arrive before 6 p.m. and sign in at the podium in the front or they might not be able to speak. We will have a gathering at 5:30 p.m. in front of City Hall beforehand before going up to speak. Proponents of body cameras and dashboard cameras for police officers are expected to attend.

Unlike what we constantly see in the media across the nation, the shootings of Pittsfield citizens Miguel Estrella and Daniel Gillis were not caught on body cameras. There is only a distant video footage of the shooting of Mr. Gillis and none of Mr. Estrella. This is not acceptable. Police body cameras can both inculpate and exculpate police officers — its beauty is that it preserves the truth when there are competing accounts of a shooting. If we as a society will be using deadly force upon our citizens with mental health issues, the least we can do is to record the incident so that there is a complete, accurate record of what has occurred."

Rinaldo Del Gallo
Pittsfield, Mass.




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Dalton Town Meeting May 6 Preview

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff
DALTON, Mass. — Voters at the annual town meeting on Monday, May 6, will decide 22 articles, including articles on sidewalks and the authorization of a number of spending articles, including an approximate $22 million budget. 
The meeting will take place at 7 p.m. at Wahconah Regional High School. Town meeting documents can be found here.
A little more than a dozen voters attended the nearly two-hour town meeting information session on Monday. 
"That budget is going up about 8 percent from what it was last year. Sounds like a lot, it is a lot, the majority of that is coming from increases in insurance, and schools, and other things the town does not have direct control over," Town Manager Thomas Hutcheson said.
"So, the actual town increase is a little under 4 percent. Everything else we're at the mercy of outside forces."
Of the $22 million budget, $10,537,044 is the assessment for the Central Berkshire Regional School District and about $10 million is the town operating budget.
"Last year, that part of the budget went up 10 percent. So, we're going in the right direction. It's not as low as we'd necessarily like to see, but I think both the Select Board and the Finance Committee did a great job this year of trimming away where they could," Hutcheson said. 
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