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BIC Executive Director Scott Longley updated the PEDA board on Wednesday about the Berkshire Innovation Center's progress.

Berkshire Innovation Center Construction Ramping Up

By Andy McKeeveriBerkshires Staff
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PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Construction on the Berkshire Innovation Center is ramping up, according to Executive Director Scott Longley.
"We are literally within weeks of starting to frame interior walls. The momentum and the progress of the BIC construction have definitely begun to pick up," Longley told the Pittsfield Economic Development Authority on Wednesday.
The research and development center broke ground in September and is eyed for an October opening. In January, the steel structure was completed and celebrated with a topping off ceremony. In February, "the building really began to take shape. We put flooring. We put decking. Things were getting welded and put in place."
In March workers enclosed the facility to start working on the inside. Floors were poured and plumbing began. That plastic wrapped was pulled off this month and now the framing for the is expected to begin.
Longley believes the project, which had been a decade in the making, is on track for the fall opening. The $13.7 million building at the William Stanley Business Park is hoped to significantly bolster advanced manufacturing businesses and provide more educational opportunities. The center's membership is made up of various businesses and schools.
The BIC is thought of by many in local economic development as a key piece to the strategy moving forward. 1Berkshire recently released it's "Berkshire Blueprint 2.0" as a roadmap toward building the Berkshire's economy and cited the BIC as a piece to economic clusters in health care and manufacturing.
"We've got great goals in mind for the clusters. Now I wanted to see if we can put metrics and measurements in place so we can track our progress," Longley said.
The concept when open is to offer many companies places to use high-tech equipment to develop new products, participate in workshops and meetings to further their knowledge of subjects, and for educational institutes to use it as a training hub for workers to learn jobs in advanced manufacturing to close the skills gap in the workforce.
The training pieces had mostly been eyed to be done in conjunction with local universities, colleges and trade schools -- extending from the Albany, N.Y., area to the Pioneer Valley. Longley said he's begun talking with a nonprofit based in Washington, D.C., about bringing pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical training there.
Longley said the company contacted him because their training center is maxed out. The Berkshire's location in proximity to New York and Boston could serve as a location for the nonprofit to run its training for regional companies.
Longley added that the organization recently began a partnership with the Mass Green High Performance Computer Center and the Northeast Cyber Team Initiative to bring resources and interns to member companies. 
"It really is bringing high-tech resources to bear and offering them to companies here in the Berkshires," Longley said.
Later this month, Longley said the BIC, in partnership with General Dynamics, is bringing Director of Advanced Manufacturing Programs at MassTech Ira Moskowitz to the Berkshires to discuss with companies the federal M2I2 program that could have resources available.
"If companies want to make presentations to him, money will be available to allocate to these programs," Longley said.
The programming pieces have been held offsite for a few years now, at different levels depending on funding, and is expected to be moved to the center when it opens up. 
Other recent activities for Longley and the BIC include updating the BIC's website, participating in the Berkshire Robotics Challenge, co-sponsoring a Berkshire Innovation Night, judging and mentoring businesses in the Lever Business Challenge, and Longley is participating in the search for a new dean at Berkshire Community College, a position that will oversee much of the training programs for companies.
"We really believe that a key aspect of the BIC is not only working with people like PEDA and local government but we also want to make sure we have a very tight and good partnership with Berkshire Community College," Longley said.
The company is also working to grow its membership.
In other business, Auditor David Irwin presented the PEDA board with a clean and unmodified audit. However, the situation at the park hadn't change all that much. PEDA had used about $250,000 in the last year for operations, which brings the unrestricted fund balance down to $1.78 million. About $227,000 of that has been approved to fund the BIC, provided it hits certain criteria.
"That $1.78 million is actually $1.56 million available. If we spend at an approximate rate of $250,000 a year, you are getting down to five or six years at this point," Irwin said.
The organization has been in existence for more than 20 years, funded by money left behind in an agreement with General Electric, to develop the former GE land. However, there are still multiple parcels left for development and the annual income from what has been developed still isn't enough to cover the annual expenses.
PEDA does still have other monies left from the original allocation but those funds are locked into being used on specific projects such as foundation work. The operating deficit with the unrestricted funds has been chipping into the amount the organization can offer as incentives to developers.
PEDA reorganized last year to help cut the overhead expenses but unless the revenue increases, the years are numbered.
"The money is dwindling down, especially if we continue to give grant money in big sums," Irwin said.

Tags: BIC,   PEDA,   

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Amphibious Toads Procreate in Perplexing Amplexus

By Tor HanseniBerkshires columnist

Toads lay their eggs in the spring along the edges of waterways. Photos by Tor Hansen.
My first impressions of toads came about when my father Len Hansen rented a seaside house high on a sand dune in North Truro, Cape Cod back in 1954. 
With Cape Cod Bay stretching out to the west, and Twinefield so abundant in wildflowers to the east, North Truro became a naturalist's dream, where I could search for sea shells at the seashore, or chase beetles and butterflies with my trusty green butterfly net. 
Twinefield was a treasure trove for wildlife — a vast glacial rolling sandplain shaped by successive glaciers, its sandy soil rich in silicon, thus able to stimulate growth for a diverse biota. A place where in successive years I would expand my insect collection to fill cigar boxes with every order of insects abounding in beach plum, ox-eye daisy and milkweed. During our brief summer vacation there, we boys would exclaim in our excitement, "Oh here is another hoppy toad," one of many Fowler's toads (Bufo woodhousei fowleri ) that inhabited the moist surroundings, at home in the Ammophyla beach grass, thickets of beach plum, bayberry, and black cherry bushes. 
They sparkled in rich colors of green amber on beige and reddish tinted warts. Most anurans have those glistening eyes, gold on black irises so beguiling around the dark pupils. Today I reflect on a favorite analogy, the riveting eye suggests a solar eclipse in pictorial aura.
In the distinct toad majority in the Outer Cape, Fowler's toads turned up in the most unusual of places. When we Hansens first moved in to rent Riding Lights, we would wash the sand and salt from our feet in the outdoor shower where toads would be drinking and basking in the moisture near my feet. As dusk fades into darkness, the happy surprise would gather under the night lights where moths were fluttering about the front door and the toads would snatch bugs with outstretched tongue.
In later years, mother Eleanor added much needed color and variety to Grace's original garden. Our smallest and perhaps most acrobatic butterflies are the skippers, flitting and somersaulting to alight and drink heartily the nectar abounding at yellow sickle-leaved coreopsis and succulent pink live forever sedums of autumn. These hearty late bloomers signaled oases for many fall migrants including painted ladies, red admirals and of course monarchs on there odyssey to over-winter in Mexico. 
Our newly found next-door neighbors, the Bergmarks, added a lot to share our zeal for this undiscovered country, and while still in our teens, Billy Atwood, who today is a nuclear physicist in California, suggested we should include the Baltimore checkerspot in our survey, as he too had a keen interest in insects. Still unfamiliar to me then, in later years I would come across a thriving colony in Twinefield, that yielded a rare phenotype checkerspot (Euphydryas phaeton p. superba) that I wrote about featured in The Cape Naturalist ( Museum of Natural History, Brewster Cape Cod 1991). 
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