2024 Year in Review: North Adams' Year of New Life to Old InstitutionsNorth Adams Regional Hospital reopened 10 years to the day it closed in 2014. 2024 Year in Review: Pittsfield Projects Unfold But Year Ends on Sour NoteThe city started off 2024 with a new administration, had a visit from the vice president midway and ended the year with Pittsfield High School embroiled in scandal. iBerkshires' Top 10 Most-Viewed Stories for 2024Thousands of articles have been posted on iBerkshires over the last year and some drew more eyeballs than others. 2024 Year in Review: Adams' Greylock Glen Vision Coming to FruitionThis was the year when Adams may have finally captured its white whale. 2024 Year in Review: Dalton's Year of ChallengesDalton had several controversial situations this year including a demonstration of the dilapidated police station, the suspension of a fire chief and accusations of an unexplainable debt in the Fire District. 2024 Year in Review: Lanesborough's Elmer Becomes KingKing Elmer, an American elm at the corner of Route 7 and Summer Street, became a statewide celebrity in July. 2024 Year in Review: Williamstown Under ConstructionPerhaps no public project has generated as much discussion over the last decade as the proposed new fire station. In September, the long-planned project finally began to come to fruition. Lanesborough 2023 Year in Review: Public Safety Building, Yes or No?The town continued to grapple with its public safety facility needs, held an election, and saw promise for the shuttered Berkshire Mall. Pittsfield 2023 Year In Review: TransformationThe year 2023 was one of transition for the city with a selection of new leaders and multiple transformative projects underway. North Adams Dealt With Big Projects, Big Challenges in 2023The city is ending a year filled with major projects getting underway, some massive infrastructure challenges and the announced revival of a significant pillar of the community. Dalton Sees Project Completions, New Initiatives in 2023The town saw a mixture of change, progress, initiatives, and project completions in 2023. Public Projects Prominent in Williamstown in 2023Three high-profile publicly funded projects that took years to get underway reached or neared the finish line in 2023. |