Melville's Linguistics Lecture

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PITTSFIELD, Mass. — On May 29 at 6:30 pm, the Berkshire County Historical Society welcomes linguist Wren Wood to Arrowhead for a lecture demonstrating how we can hear Melville's dialect in samples of his work, even without audio recording. 
Tickets are $5 for BCHS members, $10 for non-members and can be purchased by using the BOOK NOW button at
 Wren Wood is a linguist and webmaster for the Chicopee Historical Society. They use maps, statistics and linguistics to encourage discussions around local history and historic preservation, which can be found on Instagram @FollowingMassHistories.
Prior to moving to Western Massachusetts, they used GIS to study bilingualism and threatened languages in the U.S. They earned a bachelor's in English from Bridgewater State University and a master's in Hispanic Linguistics from the University of New Mexico.

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Dalton Library Getting a New Website

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff
DALTON, Mass. — The Dalton Free Public Library is getting a new website in the near future. 
The Library Director Janet Forest has been redesigning the website since April using Squarespace and hopes to launch it sometime in July. 
The new website will have a page that showcases the library's events and programming. Forest would also like to have a separate page on the site for the Friends of the Library so patrons can make donations.
The website also runs through the Central and Western Massachusetts Automated Resource Sharing (CW-MARS) library consortium, so patrons can easily see the books available. 
The current website is run through WordPress, which is antiquated and hard to update and customize, Forest said. 
The library wanted to make its website user-friendly for both patrons and staff. Using Squarespace will make it easier for the library to update and customize the website, she said.
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