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The flag is raised at Jake's Java in Lanesborough on Saturday as the honor guard stands at attention.
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Taps is played during the ceremony.
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Pittsfield Veteran Services Director Amanda Bates
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Jacob Galliher's friend Justin Santiago
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Julia Spagnola, representing U.S. Sen. Edward Markey
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Pittsfield Mayor Peter Marchetti

Lanesborough Coffeeshop Opens in Honor of Jacob Galliher

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff
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Ivy Galliher thanks the community and her late husband's family and friends for their support in welcoming her and in achieving the dream she and her late husband had. 
LANESBOROUGH, Mass. — Bittersweet tears were shed on Saturday morning as community members surrounded the family and friends of fallen Air Force Staff Sgt. Jacob Galliher at the opening of Jake's Java coffee shop. 
The coffee shop, located at 20 Williamstown Road, was opened in honor of Galliher and will stand as a monument to him and his memory. 
Galliher, 24, was killed on Nov. 29 when the CV-22 Osprey he was on crashed off the coast of Japan during a joint military exercise.
During the celebration, Lt. Col. Trent Bolte, commander of the 319th Recruiting Squadron at Hanscom Air Force Base, told the stories of each of the eight fallen airmen: Majs. Jeffrey Hoernemann,  Eric Spendlove,  Luke Unrath and Terrell Brayman, Technical Sgt. Zachary Lavoy, Staff Sgt. Jake Turnage, and Senior Airman B. Kody Johnson. 
"These airmen will forever be known by their aircraft callsign GUNDAM 22, but they were so much more than that to many of you here in attendance today," Bolte said. 
"The crew of GUNDAM 22 included husbands, fathers, brothers, sons, uncles, friends, and teammates." 
The idea of the coffee shop was "forged from a place of love," Julia Spagnola, special assistant at office of U.S. Sen. Edward Markey said on behalf of the senator. 
Speakers also brought to life Galliher's character and love story with his wife, Ivy. 
In 2019, while attending survival training in Spokane, Wash., Galliher frequented a local coffee shop Ivy worked at. 
Pittsfield Veteran Services Director Amanda Bates said Ivy described to her as how cute it was when  Galliher would come up to her in the two-window spot and chat with her.
When another customer came, he would zip around to the other side so that he could stay and chat with her, she told Bates. 
They fell in love one cup at a time and eventually got married. In 2021, they began a family, and the following year, Galliher accepted an assignment to the Yokota Air Force Base in Tokyo. 
The couple discussed moving back to the Berkshires once Galliher's commitment to the Air Force had ended to open a family-run coffee shop. Then tragedy struck, but Galliher's mother, Kim Krautter, kept the dream alive. 
"I'd like to commend the Galliher and the Krautter family for turning such a tragic event into such a positive, positive move," Select Board Chair Michael P. Murphy said. 
In the midst of their loss, the Galliher family found "strength in each other, and in the countless memories of Jacobs kindness, humbleness, and unwavering spirit," Ivy Galliher said. 
"While the past few months have been challenging and painful, we have all found inspiration in preserving Jacob's memory."
"[This tragedy] struck the world, and it hit here a little bit harder, I think, for this community, for the family, for all of us, but I'm a really big perspective person," Bates said. 
When you brush aside the devastation and tears, you see a community come together for a family that most didn't even know, she said. 
"That is just the most beautiful thing that, I think, we could have, especially in a time when our world is just so chaotic and so crazy. To see everyone come together, no questions asked, at the drop of a dime is just really, really beautiful," Bates said. 
"And so I just really want to take a moment to recognize all of you for that. This is what it's all about. This is what it's all about — coming together." 
During her speech, Ivy Galliher thanked a number of people, including the community, family, and friends. 
Although miles away, Jacob would always tell one of their sons, Malcolm, stories of their "uncles" back home. 
"You were all his everything, he loved every single one of you and was so proud of everything you guys have accomplished," she said. 
"Thank you for accepting the boys and I into your guys' lives and treating us as family. We really could not do any of this without you all."
She highlighted five of her husband's friends — Justyn Santiago, David Morawski, Chris Morawski, Zach Gage and Ally Gage — who helped her through their support, listening, sharing of stories, friendship, and laughter in ways she never thought she would be able to do again. 
"While Jacob is not here with us physically, it is you guys that remind me that he is still here all around and that his legacy and friendships will be here forever," Ivy said. 
The opening of the shop seemed to be like destiny. Galliher and Krautter decided to go to the drive-through coffee shop Greylock Grounds, where they met the owner, Joe Prince. 
While talking to Prince, Galliher looked up and saw a poster that had the same emblem as one of her husband's military patches, among other signs, including a $2 bill, which held a special meaning for the couple.
"When Jake's wallet was recovered, it still had the $2 bill Ivy had given him that
she had received as a tip at the coffee shop back in Washington. There was no denying it was
meant to be," according to a press release announcing the coffee shop's opening.
Prince was so moved by the Gallihers' story he supplied Krautter with the necessary equipment and handed over the keys to the building.
"Today, as we sip on our first cups of coffee at Jake's Java, we are reminded of his spirit. A spirit that embodied friendship, dedication, and a passion for life. The motto of this coffee shop, honoring his legacy one cup at a time, encapsulates our commitment to keeping Jake's memory alive through every conversation had over a cup of coffee," Jacob Galliher's friend Justin Santiago said. 
"Every smile shared and every silly joke that Jake would make. Jake Galliher's life was a testament to passion, dedication, and unwavering friendship."
Galliher's impact continues to live on with the opening of Jake's Java and will continue to serve the people of the Berkshires "with the same spirit of love and goodwill that [Galliher] served his country and his community. May the memory of Galliher and the entire GUNDAM 22 crew live on," Spagnola said. 
The opening of the coffee shop serves as more than just a monument to the crew of GUNDAM 22. It gives everyone a safe space to write their own stories, Bates said. 
"For Ivy and the boys to write theirs and for memories and traditions to be built in honor of a young man who unknowingly was just so incredible at spreading love and joy," she said. 
"And that's all I see here now is just love and joy and you should be very proud, you should be very proud of that."
This sentiment was further demonstrated by Santiago. 
"Let this coffee shop be a place where his legacy thrives, where friendship flourishes, and where every cup poured is a tribute to Jake's commitment to his friends, family, and community," Santiago said. 
Knowing the tragedy surrounding the opening, it was difficult to know how to say happy things during the speech, however, the vision that Jacob and Ivy had is coming to fruition, Pittsfield Mayor Peter Marchetti said. 
"I think the fact that the dream is alive, the memories will always be here, and there will always be a place to stop by and say, this is where Jake is," Marchetti said. 

Tags: coffeeshop,   grand opening,   

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Letter: Mitts Will Work for the People

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

It is a pleasure to endorse Marybeth Mitts as the next representative to the Massachusetts House of Representatives for the Third Berkshire District.

As an independent candidate with an impressive public service background, I believe she will truly commit herself to working "For The People" and be responsive to the very important needs of all the constituents in our district.

Her opponent may have multiple endorsements; however, many are entrenched politicians that one cannot even get through to or receive any response from when problems that need to be addressed are brought to their attention. I know this from personal experience in highly important areas, i.e., internet access, severe housing problems and abuse of elderly and disabled individuals, of which I am one.

I think it is crucial for voters to vote for the person and what they stand for and the work they have done leading to their becoming a candidate.

I hope you will join me (as I have already done) and vote for Marybeth Mitts.

Rachel I. Branch
Dalton, Mass.




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