Jonah Bokaer to Perform at Clark Art Institute on July 23

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WILLIAMSTOWN, Massachusetts — Jacob’s Pillow alumnus Jonah Bokaer will perform at the Clark Art Institute's Manton Research Center building at 3 p.m. on July 23.

Bokaer began his professional dance career with the Merce Cunningham Dance Company and theatre artist Robert Wilson. 

On view in the Clark Center galleries through September 18, 2022, the Rodin exhibition explores how American museums and collectors embraced Auguste Rodin’s sculptures and drawings, and traces the arc of the artist’s reputation and legacy since the first U.S. Museum acquisition was made in 1893 by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. With more than seventy works from more than thirty collections, this is the largest Rodin exhibition presented in more than forty years.

Tickets are $10 ($8 for members, $7 for students, and $5 for children 12 and under). For more information and to reserve tickets, visit

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'Nobody' Better Than the Mount Greylock Class of 2024

By Tammy DanielsiBerkshires Staff

Class speaker Judge Martin offered apologies all around for the chaotic class of 2024. See more photos here.
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The class speaker for the 104 graduates of Mount Greylock Regional School apologized for the wild and crazy antics of the class of 2024. 
"Our class was not that easy. We came into this brand-new school like a bull in a china shop. It was crazy," Judge Martin said. Students came into the middle school from surrounding towns, and "with that mix of kids, chaos happened." 
They lost field trip privileges, the right to use the staircase and claimed credit for the burst pipe that flooded the new school and sent everyone home early just days before the entry into remote learning because of the pandemic.
"On behalf of my class, we apologize for the mess," Martin said. "But look at us now — we're no longer those middle schoolers everyone hates, no longer causing water damage in our school. And surprisingly, no longer the worst middle school class to come through Mount Greylock, which was really a hard title to take but somehow the grades below us found a way."
He was also sorry it took so long for the class to realize how amazing they are and apologized for taking them all for granted.
"We're sorry to this school and everything we put it through most importantly thank you for giving us the time to grow out of chaos and find our identity in the end," Martin said. 
Martin gave a shout out to Superintendent Jason McCandless, who announced his departure at the end of the school year, calling him "our favorite superintendent" to loud applause. 
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