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Barbalunga, Harrington Talk Racial Justice at South County Forum

District Attorney candidate Andrea Harrington and Sheriff candidate Alf Barbalunga discussed racial justice at a forum held by the Berkshire Resources for Integration of Diverse Groups through Education, known as BRIDGE.

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State Rep, DA Candidates Meet in Final Forums

There are two more forum/debates planned before the Democratic primary on Sept. 6.

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Letter: Vote for Shugrue and Bowler

I believe attorney Shugrue and Sheriff Bowler have earned your vote, and Berkshire County will be well served when they are elected.

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Letter: Re-Elect Andrea Harrington

Unlike previous district attorneys, Andrea Harrington has brought an unwavering sense of kindness and compassion to her office, which has enhanced the way the Berkshire court system operates.

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Q&A: Mark Hopes to Move from House to Senate

As he campaigns for a seat in the state Senate, Mark works his life experience, which includes time as a lineman for the phone company, into a variety of contexts.

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Q&A: Templeton Makes Run for Senate to 'Step Up and Make a Change'

As the former owner of a business on Williamstown's Spring Street, the co-author of landmark resolutions passed at its town meeting and a frequent participant from the floor of committee meetings, Huff Templeton is well known in his hometown.

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DA Candidates Tout Experience, Results at Primary Debate

Incumbent Andrea Harrington touted the systemic changes she's made in the office during her 3 1/2 years in office while challenger Timothy Shugrue stressed his decades of experience on both sides in the courtroom during the sometimes heated debate.

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Bowler and Barbulunga Trade Jabs in Primary Sheriff Debate

The candidates answered 12 questions with an option for rebuttal, were able to ask each other one question, and gave opening and closing statements. Topics ranged from participation with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to the Western Mass Regional Women's Corrections Center and the office's budget.

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Letter: Why I Support Paul Mark

I've known Paul Mark all his political life, and we couldn't ask for a better person to be our next state senator in Boston. Paul is an experienced and practical progressive who will hit the ground running in the state Senate.

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Letter: Andrea Harrington for DA

The election of Andrea Harrington was part of a wave of progressive DAs across the country elected by people who recognize that our justice system is too often unjust and in need of meaningful change.

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Conservative State Candidates Pitch Campaigns in Pittsfield

The West Springfield native spoke of his priorities to secure the U.S. border, deflate inflation, gain energy independence, and restore parental rights.

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Sheriff Candidates Discuss Incarcerated Women, Operations in Debate

The two candidates, incumbent Thomas Bowler and challenger Alf Barbalunga, questioned each other on incarcerated women, operations and more.

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State Auditor Candidate Diana DiZoglio Urges PILOT Reform

Diana DiZoglio says the state's payment in lieu of taxes program, or PILOT, should be fully funded, especially with the Bay State having a 2023 budget surplus totaling about $3.6 billion.

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Lt. Governor Candidate Lesser: Government Needs to Work for People

Eric Lesser says the next gubernatorial administration needs to focus on the cost of living, affordable child care, affordable housing for people, and transportation because they are all tied together.

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Jacobs Looks to Bring Berkshires Representation to Governor's Council

She's the only woman running in the Democratic primary, she's the only candidate from Berkshire County and she's the only candidate without a law degree. Those differences, she says, will help her bring a singular perspective to a state body that few voters think about.

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Healey Pledges Berkshires Investment During Gubernatorial Campaign Swing

Healey, who now has a clear field as the Democratic nominee, received a warm welcome from local supporters who cheered and applauded at several points during her speech.

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Harrington Looks to Continue Progressive Work in DA Re-Election Bid

Andrea Harrington wants to continue the work she began during her first term as district attorney.

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Voting Groups Sponsoring District Attorney Forum

The forum is part of ACLUM's public education initiative in Massachusetts that seeks to highlight the key role that the commonwealth's district attorneys play in determining the effectiveness and fairness of the criminal legal system.

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Bowler Launches Re-election Campaign for Sheriff

The kickoff came on the heels of a candidate forum on Wednesday and the two-term sheriff wasted no time addressing topics brought up during that event.

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Sheriff Candidates Answer Community's Questions at Forum

Incumbent Thomas Bowler and his challenger Alf Barbalunga were queried on the interworkings of the office and their stances on national issues related to the position during the Zoom event.

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ACLU, NAACP Host 'Know Your Sheriff' Zoom Forum

"Know Your Sheriff" is a public education campaign by the ACLU of Massachusetts to build voter awareness about the life-changing decisions that sheriffs can make.

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July 26 Deadline for Mount Greylock School Committee Nominations

With a little more than a month left to submit papers for the Mount Greylock Regional School Committee election, all five incumbents have taken out papers, and two have completed the process to get on the November ballot.

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Lieutenant Governor Candidate Driscoll Talks Cities & Towns at Campaign Stop

The mayor of Salem stressed the need for "thriving and vibrant communities" and highlighted her own experience working at the municipal level to collaborate and work on social and economic issues.

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Barbalunga Launches Bid for Berkshire County Sheriff

The driving force behind candidate Alfred E. Barbalunga's bid for Berkshire County sheriff is to make the region a safe place to live, work and play.

Berkshire Snapshot