MIAA Board Keeps Spring Postseason Tourneys on the Table

By a vote of 19-0, the MIAA Board decided that practices for the spring season can begin no earlier than May 4, the current date when schools across the commonwealth can open under a closure ordered by Gov. Charlie Baker.
The postseason and tournament games would need to end by June 27, with a one-day extension possible if weather requires postponements at the end of the season.
The first day of competition in the commonwealth would be the seventh calendar day after the start of preseason practice -- or Monday, May 11, if schools reopen on May 4 as currently planned.
The timetable would be somewhat different for girls golf and rugby, two sports not played by Berkshire County schools.
All sports, save rugby, would be allowed to play between eight and 12 regular season games with the existing MIAA rules on the maximum number of competitions per week in effect.
The Board of Directors, which Monday met jointly with the MIAA's Tournament Management Committee, asked the TMC to submit tournament structure recommendations to the board by April 9.