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Pittsfield Awarded Clean Water Grant

Pittsfield was awarded a $445,104 Lead Service Line Planning Grant

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Adams Fire District Sets New Tax Rate

The rate accepted Wednesday morning at the tax classification hearing represents a five-cent increase over the last rate of 91 cents. Increased assessed values in town largely drove this rate.

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Great Barrington Proposes Filtration Subsidy for HWW's Housatonic Customers

The subsidy would be retroactive to Jan. 1, 2018, to help HWW customers who have already invested in filtration.

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BCC Trustees OK Water Quality Monitoring Certificate Program

Last week, the Board of Trustees approved a request for a new 11-credit Water Quality Monitoring certificate program.

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Pittsfield Release Notice of Untreated Water Discharge

This overflow consists of untreated or partially treated sewage and waste. Avoid contact with these waterbodies for 48 hours after the discharge or overflow ceases due to increased health risks from bacteria and other pollutants.

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State Commemorates National Fix-A-Leak-Week Campaign and World Water Day

Fix-A-Leak week aims to raise awareness about the importance of finding and repairing water leaks in homes and businesses, while this year's World Water Day theme is accelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crisis.

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Celebration Focuses on Importance of Water as Critical Resource

H20 was the theme of the night on Thursday as dozens of activists gathered at the Beacon Cinema for the first Berkshire Water Awards.

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Legislature secures $100K for Housatonic Water Works Relief Efforts

Households served by the privately-owned Housatonic Water Works have been experiencing issues with the quality of their water supply, including discolored water due to manganese contamination and rusted pipe ways.

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Housatonic Water to Hold Meeting on Manganese Pilot Study

The meeting will also include information about issues affecting levels of haloacetic acid that have been detected in the HWW water system.