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Prescription for Better Health: Community Health Centers Like CHP

By Lia SpiliotesPrint Story | Email Story

This past year, with strong bipartisan support, Congress invested nearly $10 billion in the nation's 1,400 community health centers, recognizing that a strong community-based system of care -- where people have certain access to doctors and preventive care -- will save lives and reduce health care costs.

National Health Center Week 2018, from Aug. 12-18, provides an opportunity to learn more about community health center (CHCs) and witness, firsthand, why we are at center stage in a changing health care landscape.

Health centers like Community Health Programs – we serve more approximately 30,000 residents at nine practices throughout Berkshire County -- are part of a nationwide network that cares for more than 27 million Americans. Our longstanding mission to provide affordable options for primary care is well established, but what's less well-known is that community health centers are innovators and problem-solvers in treating chronic disease. We look beyond medical charts not just to prevent illness but to address the factors behind poor health: poverty, homelessness and housing insecurity, substance use, mental illness, lack of nutrition, transportation problems and unemployment.  

Health centers are on the front lines dealing with complex problems such as chronic disease and the growing problem of obesity in rural neighborhoods. These are health conditions that, if left unchecked, cause their victims to end up in hospital emergency rooms for costly treatment. CHCs save the U.S. health care system $24 billion dollars a year by managing health conditions and reducing unnecessary visits to the hospital

Our care model works because we treat the whole patient with integrated services located under one roof, or within our health network.  With this streamlined care our patients – who span the socio-economic and insurance spectrum, from those of means to moderate- and low-income families, veterans and the elderly -- need not navigate a confusing maze of services to see a dentist or to fill a prescription. Yet, all too often this happens in our nation's fragmented system of care, even for patients who have both insurance and a regular health care provider.  At CHP, and at similar health centers nationwide, our goal is to provide everyone with easy access to care no matter who they are, where they come from, or whether or not they have an insurance card.

Community Health Programs dates back to the early 1970s when a visionary physician-activist in South Berkshire and some dedicated pediatric nurses began seeking out under-served children in the region’s isolated hill towns. Today, this comprehensive health network serves patients of all ages. Primary care, dental care, women's health and obstetrics, vision care, physical therapy, nutrition counseling and an array of services for families and children define CHP's work.

Our partnerships with Berkshire Health Systems, Fairview Hospital and an array of local organizations and businesses, serve to strengthen our impact. And following a spring 2018 review by our key federal funding agency, CHP received a score of 100 for its compliance with complex regulations governing our work. With $3.8 of our $22 million budget comprised of HRSA grants, this compliance achievement is no small matter in our ability to offer ongoing, sustainable health care for all who come through our doors.

During National Health Center Week, we invite you to learn more about health centers, by exploring our website or by arranging an informational visit to one of CHP’s practice locations to meet and talk with with our clinicians and staff.

The theme of this year's National Health Center Week is "Celebrating Health Centers: Home of America’s Health Care Heroes." But we who work at health centers do not consider ourselves heroes. Rather, we are people of the community who simply believe that affordable health care should within reach for everyone who needs it, and that excellent care for people of means should be no different than care for people with fewer resources. We serve all at CHP, and we believe health centers like ours are an excellent prescription for our nation’s health.  

Lia Spiliotes is the chief executive officer of Community Health Programs.

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Lanesborough FinCom Chair Resigns After Warrant Approval

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff

LANESBOROUGH, Mass. — With a new fiscal year comes new leadership for the Finance Committee.

Chair Jodi-Lee Szczepaniak-Locke officially resigned on Monday and the panel decided that Vice Chair Stephen Wentworth would assume leadership for the time being.  

A few months ago, Szczepaniak-Locke announced that she would be vacating her post and the committee after the FY25 budget season. On Monday the committee endorsed draft warrant articles for the annual town meeting, its last responsibilities before the close of the fiscal year.

The former chair was brief in her departure, confirming her resignation and leaving, but has previously stated that the decision came from an attendance issue with a member not being resolved.  

"I believe in truth and honesty and a lot of you know me and you've known me for years and that's what I think is the most important thing," she said to the Select Board in February.

"So you all can have at this. I am done and I wish you all the best of luck but it's not worth it. It's not worth it to me to participate in this anymore."

Town Administrator Gina Dario clarified that the warrant articles are being finalized and it is possible that numbering could change.

"Certainly, we do not anticipate any changes of a financial impact and nor do we expect any new articles entering the current warrant," she said.

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