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Pittsfield Citizen Police Academy Fall 2024

The academy provides an opportunity for individuals to gain a better understanding of department operations and issues and topics effecting modern day policing.

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Adams Welcomes New Officer; Appoints Housing Authority Board Member

Desroches graduated from the Police Academy on March 22 in the top tier in his class. He's currently in the field training program and assigned to Sgt. Curtis Crane.

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Dalton Special Town Meeting Approved Police Detail Fund Transfer

The transfer was the only article on the warrant and was requested to ensure that officers can be paid for detail work in a timely manner.

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Lanesborough Police Implementing Body Cameras with State Grant

On Monday, Police Chief Robert Derksen told the Select Board that the department received a nearly $40,000 grant for the initial purchase and implementation of the surveillance devices.

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Berkshire Residents Take Stand Against Police Brutality

Protesters on Sunday condemned continued police brutality following the fatal beating of Tyre Nichols in Memphis, Tenn., last month.

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Five Berkshire Communities Get Police Body-Camera Grants

The grant program awarded $2,494,752.40 in fiscal 2023 to a total of 32 municipal departments across Massachusetts to implement or expand body-worn camera programs.

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Hinsdale, Dalton Police Department Merger Feasible But Challenging

Both towns would have to overcome organizational structures, new costs, and potential politics, MRI senior consultant David L. Kurz said.

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Great Barrington Police Utilizing Bodycams

All officers will be utilizing body-worn cameras to help document investigations and incidents.