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Dalton Town Hall Lift Solutions in Development

Solutions are being sought for the lift in Town Hall that has been out of service since December because of safety concerns.

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Dalton ADA Committee Explores Expanding

The five-seat committee currently has four active members but received comments of interest from two residents.

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Dalton Town Employees Gets ADA Training

Municipal employees will have the option to participate in Americans with Disabilities Act training.

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Dalton Town Hall Lift Out of Order, ADA Picnic Tables

The Town Hall lift is still out of order so public meetings are only being held when the library is open.

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Dalton ADA Committee Considers Playground Mats for Parks

These mats would be laid out to provide accessible routes to playground equipment and swings.

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Dalton Town Hall Lift Out of Order

Town Hall is down a lift because of safety concerns with the current one in the police station, the Americans with Disabilities Act Committee announced during its meeting on Monday night.

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Dalton ADA Explores Replacing Town Hall Lift

The town's current lift, located in the police station, is not always functional, ADA coordinator Alyssa Maschino told the committee last week.

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Dalton Takes First Steps to Meet ADA Requirements

The state mandated this self-evaluation to enhance the town's opportunities for grant approval. The town has already completed three steps to meet this standard.