High School Baseball/Softball Umpire Assignor Sought

The assignor designates certified umpires to games played under the jurisdiction of Berkshire County Interscholastic Athletics and assists the state (MIAA) games assignor and tournament director when games under their jurisdiction are played involving Berkshire County schools.
Assignors are re-appointed annually based on the review, recommendation, and approval of the Berkshire County Athletic Directors Association.
Applicants interested in any assignor vacancies should submit a letter of interest and resume to the chairperson of that respective sport, or the BCADA chairperson.
Assignors are restricted from officiating competitions involving a Berkshire County high school in the sport in which they assign, unless otherwise waived by the BCADA.
The application aeadline is Nov. 20.
Interested applicants are required to submit letter of interest, resume, and references via regular mail, or email, to:
Berkshire County Interscholastic Athletics
Attention: Jim Abel – Pittsfield Public Schools
269 First St.
Pittsfield, MA 01201
For information, email jabel@pittsfield.net.