Pittsfield Health Board Considering Nicotine Free GenerationThirteen Massachusetts communities have joined the "Nicotine-Free Generation." Could Pittsfield do the same? Williamstown Health Board Considers Local Rule on 'Flavored' TobaccoThe Board of Health on Monday heard a suggestion that the town code be updated to allow the local authority to bar the sale of items that run afoul of the commonwealth's prohibition of flavored tobacco products. Williamstown Board of Health Reduces Number of Tobacco LicensesIn a unanimous vote at the end of its monthly meeting, three members of the five-person board decided to trim the number of tobacco licenses from seven to six, reflecting the fact that only six of the available licenses currently are in use. Williamstown Health Board Asks Tri-Town to Look at Tobacco RegsThe intervening COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 had a lot of municipal health departments focused on that issue rather than reconciling their local ordinances with the latest decrees from Boston. |