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For someone who is noy- at this time- living in Borth Adams and not running for re-election---I still felt like I was part of the festivities---and I was-- nice job on the blog Tammy--it made me feel like I was there---and oh do I wish I hade been--there were so many oatmeal responses--chbpod
Is there a central place to read the candidates' statements/position papers? I looked last week, and saw that some were linked through iBerkshires, some weren't. I'd like to cast an informed vote, but I'm finding it hard to tell who's who.
There are several events this weekend to help you recharge from your week, including a dance, live music, and animal photo-ops.
Editor's Pick
The Big Chill
Hancock Shaker Village, Pittsfield
Time: 11 a.m. until 4 p.m.
The village will have a range of activities, including walking tours, ice harvesting talks, maple tree tapping demonstrations, crafts, farm animals, and more.
College officials reported on funding campaigns, program advancements, capital improvements, student performance, and the commitment to inclusion and diversity.
click for more
Ordinance changes related to mayoral appointments were referred to General Government on Tuesday but not without debate by the full City Council and the mayor. click for more