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The second floor of the former Berkshire Dance Theater was gutted by fire on Wednesday.
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Torrential rain turns Commercial Street into a river.
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The rain both helped and hampered firefighters' efforts.

Adams Firefighters Douse Blaze in Former Dance Studio

By Tammy DanielsiBerkshires Staff
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Firefighters check out the first story of the studio and exterior access to the second floor. 
ADAMS, Mass. — The former Berkshire Dance Theater went up in flames on Wednesday afternoon. 
Fire Chief John Pansecchi said he had some idea of where the fire started but did not wish to speculate until the state fire marshal could confirm the cause. 
The blaze was contained fairly swiftly but there were a number of hotspots firefighters were still dealing with an hour later.
Firefighters were alerted to heavy smoke coming from the roof of the building shortly before 5 p.m. The second floor of the long-vacant structure was fully involved, according to images posted to iBerkshires' Facebook page. 
"The first couple of guys got here they pulled a line out. The first few guys that were here really worked their tails off," said Pansecchi, adding he was surprised how short staffed they were at first because of the holiday. 
Cheshire and North Adams sent help and Savoy came down to cover the station. Northern Berkshire EMS provided rehab. 
Firefighters were working in difficult conditions — hot muggy weather in the 90s and a torrential rainstorm that turned Commercial Street into a river right after the call came in. 
"It might have been a little bit of a blessing, it kind of cooled us off a little bit," the chief said. "But the guys who were working and pulling hose, they took a beating."
One of the first firefighters on the scene was evaluated by ambulance personnel and released. 
Commercial Street was closed between Prospect and Glen streets and the Park Street intersection and traffic detoured for almost two hours.
National Grid disconnected electricity to the property and Berkshire Gas was called to ensure no gas was connected.  
About 70 National Grid customers were without power from Glen Street south along Bellevue Avenue but it's not clear if this had anything to do with the fire. 
The dance studio had been owned by Susan Hakes for years until selling the property in 2007. The property consists of a house at 32 Commercial, also vacant and dilapidated, and the two-story studio in the rear. It sits at the corner of Liberty Street and Commercial. 
The fire chief said the fire was mainly on the north side of the studio and did not affect the house. 
The town did a tax taking on the property in 2017 and the case is currently in Land Court. 
Barbara St. Pierre, longtime friend of Susan Hakes, had tears in eyes as she watched the firefighters and the smoke coming from the property.
She had 30 years of good memories there, she said. She'd called Hakes, now living out in Las Vegas, to tell her the sad news. 

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Letter: Time to End the MCAS Graduation Requirement

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

As a parent, public educator, and school committee member, I urge you to vote YES on Question 2 and eliminate the MCAS as a graduation requirement.

During my career, which includes four years as an MCAS administrator and national recognition for my contributions to the field of assessment, I've seen firsthand the significant resources consumed by this test and the stress it causes for students and educators alike. Modern assessment practices show that learning is best measured through meaningful, real-world activities, not high-stakes standardized tests. When used correctly, assessment empowers students as learners and teachers as professionals.

Instead, the MCAS graduation requirement has become a barrier to success disproportionately affecting students of color, low-income students, English language learners, and students with disabilities — widening achievement gaps instead of closing them. Some say that this is a non-issue because most students who initially fail the MCAS eventually pass through retakes or appeals. But marginalized students struggle with retakes more than their peers, creating unfair obstacles to graduation and increasing drop-out rates. To be clear, these students are not less capable: they are being failed by a system that isn't meeting their needs. The MCAS provides useful data to hold systems accountable for rigorous, fair learning outcomes in Grades 3-8 without making students bear the consequences of our failure to serve them equitably; why can't the same apply to sophomores?

Ending the MCAS graduation requirement wouldn't lower standards. Quite the opposite: schools could shift the time, energy, and money currently spent teaching to a narrow test toward more well-rounded learning experiences like those outlined in the grassroots Portrait of a Graduate initiative and the Mass Core program of studies, spotlighting classes like civics, the arts, social sciences, technology, and foreign language and competencies like communication, critical thinking, and lifelong learning.

This type of education helps students engage with real-world challenges in their communities and gain the skills employers and colleges value way more than test scores from two years before graduation. If the Legislature would like to adapt these models into an authentic assessment system — and fund it appropriately — I would be happy to volunteer my time and expertise to help design it.

Forty-two states have eliminated standardized tests as a graduation requirement. It's time for Massachusetts to do the same. Let's invest in authentic student success, not just test-taking skills. It starts by voting YES on Question 2 this fall.

Erin Milne
Adams, Mass.

The author serves on the Board of Directors for the Association for the Assessment of Student Learning in Higher Education and is vice chair of the Hoosac Valley Regional School Committee. A version of this letter which includes hyperlinks to sources can be accessed here



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