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Michael Ciccarelli, left, Owen Hoffman, Morgan McDonough and Tyler Colby were recognized by a community member for their 'outstanding assistance' during her husband's medical episodes.

Dalton Firefighters Commended for Their Work

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff
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DALTON, Mass. — A resident of the town gave a $250 donation to the Fire District, citing the Fire Department's "outstanding assistance, compassion, and kindness."
The department's Fire Chief, Christian Tobin, made the announcement during the Board of Water Commissioners meeting last month. 
The resident, Carol Silverman, wrote a letter along with the donation thanking the firefighters who have responded to her 911 calls for her husband, Shlomo Silman, who is 91 1/2  years old and has taken ill on many occasions over the last three to four years. The letter was read out loud to the board. 
The firefighters had "been so wonderful in their assistance. Tyler [Colby], in particular, has been exemplary in providing assistance, e.g. whenever my husband fell or was having breathing issues," she wrote the district. 
This donation says the firefighters are out there doing a wonderful job every day for the citizens of Dalton and neighboring communities when called upon for emergencies, Tobin said afterward. 
"They're doing an outstanding job delivering the service everybody expects, and they do it every day. A lot of times, they don't get thanks, and so it's nice to hear 'Thank you' from the community and the people who we are serving firsthand. It makes everybody feel very good," Tobin said. 
In the modern age, 75 percent of what the Fire Department does is emergency medical care, he said. 
This needs to be acknowledged and the department needs to grow that because the town has an aging population, Tobin said. "The best way to serve the town of Dalton is to be prepared for those changes and to modernize and to recognize where the future is leading us."
It is also important for the department to have a close relationship with the community because they are part of the community, the chief continued. 
This donation demonstrates that the Dalton firefighters are doing just that, he said. 
"They're here for the community, and it's the community that is reciprocal. The community supports the Fire Department, and the Fire Department supports the community, and we can see that," Tobin said. 

Tags: firefighters,   recognition event,   

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Pittsfield Municipal Airport Gets New Logo

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff

PITTSFIELD, Mass. — A new logo is ready for takeoff at the Pittsfield Municipal Airport.

The Airport Commission last week approved a cleaner design that depicts a jet flying over a green mountainscape. It is a far cry from the former branding, which had more than 10 saturated colors.

"Our current logo has probably 13 colors in it, which is difficult to do anything with.  It was formatted in a way that we really didn't have much control over how to use it," Airport Manager Daniel Shearer said.

"We were aiming for something that represented Pittsfield and Berkshire County."

It will be rolled out on new materials and signage as updates are made, he reported.

Commissioner Debra Miersma explained that the former logo was an artifact from the former century. She and Shearer worked with local graphic designer Adam Hitt to deliver a "bright and fresh" design that speaks to the current airport — not what it was in the 1970s or 1980s.

"New logos typically have a lot more clean, white space," she said.

"We took a look at logos from other airports that are smaller as well as  larger so this was done with actually quite a lot of thought."

Commissioner Michael Mah was the lone vote in opposition, as he didn't feel the logo represented general aviation (GA) because it shows a jet.

"At the risk of getting booed, I look at this and it says to me, at least, 'We're very happy to see large corporate jets,' but I don't see anything where we're talking about a smaller GA plane coming in," he said.

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