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So great to read about creative places opening in the area. Good luck!
Lanesborough Select Board Votes to Expand Tow List
By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff
LANESBOROUGH, Mass. — Select Board members want to even the playing field for towing.
In a 2-1 vote with Chair Michael Murphy in opposition, the board last week voted to allow businesses outside of Lanesborough to be on the towing list. Current towers will work with the town on a formal policy, as there is currently not one.
"Frankly, I think it's premature," Murphy said about the motion made by Select Board member Deborah Maynard.
Two years ago, Police Chief Robert Derksen was contacted by a local tow agency that wanted to be put on the rotation. He brought a sample policy to the board in March 2023 and returned with the same one at Monday's meeting.
"I think the kind of consensus at that time with the Select Board at that time was that we would limit it to businesses in the town of Lanesborough for tow agencies," he said.
"However, it was also mentioned that we really should have a written — it's almost like a procurement policy as far as vendors. In this case, tow agencies."
Select Board member Timothy Sorrell said it was "kind of hanging in the air" and wanted to revisit it. The job is done by two town companies: Village Truck Sales and Sayers' Auto Wrecking.
"It seems to be the tow service is the only monopoly in town," he said. "That's kind of what we question is, why is that the only one where other out-of-town services aren't allowed to do business here?"
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