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The Flood House is currently owned by the city's Housing Authority and multiple organizations have shown interest in taking over the site.

Soldier On Seeking North Adams Expansion

By Andy McKeeveriBerkshires Staff
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NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — Soldier On is looking for city properties to open a veterans' community.

According to Soldier On CEO John "Jack" Downing, the nonprofit has asked city officials about available buildings to develop a community.

Soldier On works in collaboration with the Veterans Affairs to help homeless veterans back onto their feet. In North Adams, the group would be looking to open a veterans' community with limited equity housing like the one they opened in Pittsfield in 2010.

"We would like to be in North Adams because our veterans thrive in working class communities," Downing said recently. "We like to do things in Berkshire County because it's our home."

Soldier On is building communities in multiple states. Downing said there are about 15 capital projects in the works but a North Adams community would be only the second one in the county. The limited equity housing communities are built by Soldier On with state funds and then transferred to a holding company made up of the veterans that live there.

"We're not a burden on the taxes," Downing said. "I would love to do something in North Adams."

Soldier On owns the land but the community, in which veterans buy shares, owns the buildings, he said. The community is run by veterans and their rental fees go toward taxes and operating expenses. Any profit goes back to the veterans.

Downing was setting up tours of a couple sites in the city, including the former Flood House on Church Street. Housing Authority Chairman Marie Harpin had confirmed that the organization had shown interest in the house.

The Flood House is owned by the Housing Authority and Harpin said there are other organizations, such as the Brien Center, that have expressed interest in the site.

Downing said once he looks at a site and determines that it is feasible to develop, it will be up to the organization's development committee to sort out the funding and planning.
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MCLA to Host Fall Open House Events for Prospective Students

NORTH ADAMS Mass. — Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA) announces a series of fall open house events and tour days starting Monday, Oct. 14.  
Fall Open House events will take place on Monday, Oct. 14, Saturday, Oct 26., Nov. 16, Nov. 23 and Dec. 7. Check-in runs from 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Feigenbaum Center for Science and Innovation. The event will run until 1:30 p.m. At these open houses, prospective students will have an opportunity to meet MCLA students, faculty, and staff.  
There will be a virtual open house on Tuesday, Nov. 19 from 6 to 7 p.m. and an athletic preview day in conjunction with the Dec. 7 open house.  
"Open Houses offer prospective students a unique opportunity to experience MCLA's campus firsthand, while also gaining insight into our diverse academic programs and dynamic campus life," said Dan Pearson, MCLA's director of admission. "We encourage students to engage with our faculty, staff, and current students to ensure they get all of their questions answered and feel confident about the next steps in their enrollment journey." 
To register, go to Visit MCLA.
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