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The North Adams Police Department posted images last week of its vehicles being sanitized.

Bedard Brothers Sanitizing Police Cruisers

By Jack GuerinoiBerkshires Staff
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Hinsdale also took Bedard up on the cleaning opportunity. The dealership says it has reached out to other local departments. 
CHESHIRE, Mass. — Bedard Brothers Auto Sales has been helping keep local police departments safe by treating their cruisers with an anti-microbial disinfectant. 
Service Manager Shaun Beverly the dealership and service department wants to do what it can to help first-responders and has offered to treat the vehicles with a product called Transform that gives an extra level of protection against COVID-19. 
"We just wanted to reach out and do anything we can," Beverly said. "They deal enough with the public and anything we can do to negate all of this would be beneficial to not just ourselves but the community." 
He said they use the product on their own vehicles.
The product is non-corrosive chlorine dioxide solution that protects against germs, viruses and bacteria. Transform is sprayed on the vehicle's interior and is supposed to keep it virus free for 30 days. The spray and curing process takes about 10 to 15 minutes. 
Beverly said they have treated the North Adams Police cruisers and Hinsdale's and have also reached out to Dalton, Williamstown, and Adams.
"I kind of put the offer out to all of them," he said.
Beverly said officers seem to be thankful for the treatment.
"A lot of them said at this point they were sick of wiping things down and sick of the smell of wipes and bleach," he said. "With this stuff when you smell it in the bottle, it smells awful but once you spray it, there is no smell or film."
He added that during these times it is not only important for local businesses to step up but everybody.
"There is enough unsureness out in the world with now and if we can all come together it is going to be beneficial to everybody in Berkshire County," he said.
Beverly said Bedard has yet to offer the service to the public but is considering it.

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