Berkshire Waldorf High School Open House

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STOCKBRIDGE, Mass. — Berkshire Waldorf High School is holding an Open House on Thursday, Feb 15 at 7:00 pm at the school: 14 Pine Street, Stockbridge, MA, on the corner of Pine and Shamrock.
The program will include a student panel, during which guests are welcome to ask questions about the students' high school experience, the work they've done this year, and their plans for the future. 
Students will also present a scene from their upcoming spring play, "Our Town" by Thornton Wilder.
A specially-curated presentation of student work will be on view, including math, science, humanities, and technology projects.
The school offers honors-level, college preparatory academics and is also integrated into the larger Berkshire community, including classes and workshops in renowned artists' studios, the use of local labs and gyms, Shakespeare & Company, field trips to events and museums in the Northeast, and international travel.
Light refreshments will be served. Parents, students, friends, community members, and younger siblings are all welcome.
Contact Samantha Stier, Admissions Director, at 413.298.3800 or with any questions or for more information or register here.
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Meeting on Potential Purchase of Housatonic Water Works

GREAT BARRINGTON, Mass. — The town will set an October outreach meeting to gain residents' feedback on draft findings from an investigation into the feasibility of the town acquiring and operating Housatonic Water Works. 
The decision over a town acquisition of HWW would ultimately be made by voters at a town meeting. 
The outreach discussion will follow several years of legal and financial study into the town's possible acquisition of the water company, due to water quality issues for many HWW customers. The town hired DPC Engineering from Longmeadow and Harwich Port to evaluate the potential operation and acquisition of HWW.
Town Manager Mark Pruhenski said he also hopes to clarify the role of the town manager and Selectboard in the HWW matter. 
"We are responsible for representing customers of Housatonic water in a pending rate case with the state Department of Public Utilities and for investigating the possibilities for a long-term solution to the ownership and operation of the company," said Pruhenski. 
The town Board of Health is accepting and forwarding water quality complaints to the state Department of Environmental Protection.
"While the Selectboard is focused on questions of potential future ownership and operation of HWW, we urge town residents to contact the Board of Health and state DEP regarding water quality," said Pruhenski.
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