GBPT Adds Development Director

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GREAT BARRINGTON, Mass. — Now entering its sixth season, Great Barrington Public Theater (GBPT) announced the inclusion of Serena Johnson as Development Director. 
 She brings accomplished fundraising, community outreach, audience engagement and non-profit management skills to the company.
 A graduate of Cal State, Northridge, and an experienced performer herself, Johnson was a key player in the establishment of fundraising processes and infrastructure for the community-based Glendale Arts, 18th Street Arts Center, and was on the development team that managed the successful capital campaign for the newly constructed permanent theater for the Antaeus Theatre Company, Glendale, CA. Now a rooted Berkshire transplant, she's become an active participant in the local business, arts and culture and non-profit networking communities.
 "We've been searching for the right fit for Development Director for some time," GBPT Managing Director Tristan Wilson said. "We were introduced to Serena by a member of the local theater arts community. Once we met, it was obvious she brings the skills and creative perspective needed in the performing arts, along with the outgoing personality and energy we're looking for. She's committed to diversity and inclusivity, and knows how performing arts benefits patrons and communities. Her experience at fundraising and non-profit theater management greatly adds to our team, to help GBPT's next steps for planned growth."
Looking forward, Johnson said, "I'm thrilled to be part of a nimble, dynamic theater company that engages local artists, incubates new plays and brings outstanding work to life for local and visiting audiences. Great Barrington Public Theater is an important contributor to the vitality and diversity of the Berkshires cultural scene. Patrons are responding with support and enthusiasm, and that will certainly help us grow."
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Meeting on Potential Purchase of Housatonic Water Works

GREAT BARRINGTON, Mass. — The town will set an October outreach meeting to gain residents' feedback on draft findings from an investigation into the feasibility of the town acquiring and operating Housatonic Water Works. 
The decision over a town acquisition of HWW would ultimately be made by voters at a town meeting. 
The outreach discussion will follow several years of legal and financial study into the town's possible acquisition of the water company, due to water quality issues for many HWW customers. The town hired DPC Engineering from Longmeadow and Harwich Port to evaluate the potential operation and acquisition of HWW.
Town Manager Mark Pruhenski said he also hopes to clarify the role of the town manager and Selectboard in the HWW matter. 
"We are responsible for representing customers of Housatonic water in a pending rate case with the state Department of Public Utilities and for investigating the possibilities for a long-term solution to the ownership and operation of the company," said Pruhenski. 
The town Board of Health is accepting and forwarding water quality complaints to the state Department of Environmental Protection.
"While the Selectboard is focused on questions of potential future ownership and operation of HWW, we urge town residents to contact the Board of Health and state DEP regarding water quality," said Pruhenski.
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