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NAPS Summer Program to Host Drury Interns

These paid internships are for Teaching Assistants working with 210 students in grades K-6 in the 21st Century Summer Program at Greylock Elementary School.

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North Adams Plans $350,000 Restoration of Library Belvedere

Mayor Jennifer Macksey told the City Council on Tuesday that this funding comes from the Massachusetts Preservation Commission.

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NAPS Destroying Special Education Records

Records will be destroyed after July 31, 2024. Students or Parents interested in retrieving the records should call Student Support Services at 413-776-1670, options 3, 4 or 5 no later than July 31, 2024.

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North Adams Schools Awarded Literacy Grant

While Appleseeds is free for download to all Massachusetts school districts, the grant will fund professional printing of the materials, plus professional development for educators.

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North Adams Schools Preparing for Big Move, Greylock Closure

The closure of Greylock School at the end of the school year and the reconfiguring of grades between Brayton and Colegrove Park means relocating classrooms, teachers and students.

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North Adams Public Schools, nbCC Walk to School Day

There will be opportunities to walk with "walking school buses." There will also be "park and walk" sites for families that live outside the routes and/or farther from the schools.

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North Adams Public Schools To Host Grade Configuration Forum

The forum will take place on Wednesday, May 15 at 6 PM.

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North Adams Holding Forum on Greylock Closure

The public schools are holding a forum on the closing of Greylock School and the resulting grade configuration for Brayton and Colegrove Park elementary schools.

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North Adams School Committee Takes Slow Roll on Greylock Closure

The School Committee delayed discussion Tuesday on closing Greylock School until more information could be provided by the administration.

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Drury High School to Host End-of-Semester Showcase

The showcase takes place on Jan. 23 from 11:30AM–2:00PM at the school.

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North Adams Public Schools Art Teacher Wins Award

Appleget is the only award recipient in the 2023 award cohort to represent arts education work based in Berkshire County.

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Gun Safety Resolution OK'd in North Adams Schools

The School Committee on Tuesday reorganized for the new term, heard updates on a number of issues and approved a gun safety resolution promoted by the Be SMART campaign.

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Drury High School Awarded 21st Century Grant for Afterschool Programming

This grant award will support afterschool and summer enrichment programs for Drury High School students in grades 7-12, which will offer students additional opportunities for academically enriching learning.

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North Adams Recognizes Recovery, Child Cancer and Hello Week

Mayor Jennifer Macksey read the proclamations at last week's lengthy City Council meeting. All three awareness initiatives have been recognized by past administrations as well.

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North Adams Schools, NBCC to Host Walk to School Day

"Walk to School" events work to create safer routes for walking and bicycling and emphasize the importance of increasing physical activity among children, pedestrian safety, alleviating traffic congestion, concern for the environment and building connections between families, schools and the broader community.

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Northern Berkshire Adult Education to Host Open House

Community members are encouraged to stop in during 5–7:30pm to talk with Director Annie Pecor, or a teacher/advisor to learn more about adult education offerings for the upcoming year.

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NAPS Post Graduate Scholarship Applications

All postgraduate scholarship applications are due by June 1.

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North Adams Public Schools Seeks Volunteers

Volunteer opportunities will vary with regard to time commitment and age groups of students.

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North Adams Schools Developing Districtwide Literacy Approach

Chappell, the district's literacy and Title 1 grant coordinator, said the schools are using the approach of gathering current data and then collaborating as a team to develop strategies to support students.

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North Adams Students Return to School with Minimal COVID Restrictions

Students in the North Adams Public Schools return to classes this week with minimal COVID-19 restrictions in place, as the district continues to follow public health guidance on the virus.

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Hoosac Valley, North Adams to Share Athletic Director

Jeff Puleri is the assistant athletic director at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, and will replace Molly Meczywor at Hoosac Valley and David Racette in North Adams.