State Study Finds 220K New Homes Needed Before 2035A statewide study found that more than 220,000 homes must be built in the next decade to meet housing needs. Marchetti Details Housing Efforts in State of City AddressMayor Peter Marchetti's first State of the City address emphasized housing, one of the greatest struggles Pittsfield and the nation face. Pittsfield's Homeless Advisory Committee Hosting Housing Resource FairThe fair will offer a variety of resources and assistance to those in the community who are seeking help with accessing stable and secure housing. Pittsfield Homeless Advisory Committee Hosting Housing Resource FairThe fair will offer a variety of resources and assistance to those in the community who are seeking help with accessing stable and secure housing. Adams Officials Approve Term Sheet for Memorial Building RenovationThe Board of Selectmen approved a term sheet for the redevelopment of the Memorial Building ahead of Tuesday's special town meeting. Louison House Celebrates Growth, Programs at Annual MeetingIn the last year alone, it's provided more than 600 people with housing assistance, assisted nearly 100 in securing housing, and distributed $10 BRTA bus passes to more than 400 people to help them get to housing or income-related appointments. BRPC Outlines Busy Year Addressing Region's NeedsThe regional planning agency closed fiscal year 2024 with a revenue increase of nearly $858,000 over the previous year, and a total income of more than $6.9 million from grants, local organizations, and nonprofit agreements. Housing Secretary Applauds County's Collaborative Housing EffortsOn Thursday, Secretary of Housing and Livable Communities Ed Augustus visited Pittsfield Housing Authority (PHA) and Berkshire Community Action Council's central office. Williamstown Planners Talks Housing Development, Water ProtectionThe Planning Board last week talked about balancing housing and land conservation in the rural parts of town and protecting the aquifer that supplies drinking water to most of the town's inhabitants. Pittsfield Nonprofit Asks for Building Permit ForgivenessThe Westside Legends would like a helping hand from the city in the form of fee forgiveness for an upcoming condo project. Pittsfield Housing Trust Digs into ARPA ProposalsThe trust reviewed five letters of intent for housing projects in the city and will ask the parties to submit a full application. Williamstown Housing Trust Seeks to Resolve Habitat Project IssuePart of the plan Habitat developed with civil engineer Guntlow and Associates is a rain garden that would be part of the subdivision's stormwater management plan. Williamstown Abutters Appeal Decision on Habitat for Humanity ProjectOne of the Summer Street residents who has objected publicly to a proposed subdivision on the street has appealed the Conservation Commission's decision to allow the project to go forward. A Thousand Flock to Designer Showcase Fundraiser at Cassilis FarmMore than 100 volunteers helped the showcase come to fruition. State Boosts North Street Housing Project With $4MA North Street housing project was awarded more than $4 million through the state's Housing Development Incentive Program. New Marlborough Housing Awarded State GrantA total of $227 million in state and federal tax credits and subsidies will support the creation or preservation of 1,874 rental units across Massachusetts. Northern Berkshire Housing Resource FairThe fair will offer attendees the opportunity to meet with representatives of local organizations who will have applications on hand to either fill out or take home with them. Former Pittsfield Mayor Honored With Housing Public Service AwardLinda Clairmont, former mayor of Pittsfield, has received the Canon Brian S. Kelley Public Service Award from the Massachusetts Housing & Shelter Alliance. Williamstown Con Comm Clears Summer Street SubdivisionThe Conservation Commission last week gave its approval for a four-home subdivision on a town-owned parcel on Summer Street. Westside Legends Plan $5.8M Condo Project in PittsfieldThe Westside Legends is planning a $5.8 million condo project for first-time homebuyers in the neighborhood. Berkshire Housing Woes Heard at State Listening SessionAround 100 local officials, business and community leaders and residents attended the session that will help fuel the state's five-year housing plan. Housing Secretary Makes Adams Housing Authority No. 40 on List of VisitsThe state's new secretary of housing got a bit of a rock-star welcome on Wednesday morning as Adams Housing Authority residents, board members and staff lined up to get their picture taken with him. Dalton Zoning Board OKs Conversion of Zip's Bar into ApartmentsThe Zoning Board of Appeals on Tuesday approved the conversion of the former Zip's Bar & Billiards into four apartments. BRPC Committee Mulls Input on State Housing PlanBerkshire Regional Planning Commission's Regional Issues Committee brainstormed representation for the county in upcoming housing listening sessions. Developer Asks $400K From Pittsfield Housing Trust for Condo ProjectBetween disagreements about site design and a formal funding process not yet established, more time is needed before a decision can be made. |