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Adams Town Meeting OKs Memorial Building Sale

Town meeting on Tuesday authorized the Board of Selectmen to negotiate purchase-and-sale and lease agreements for Memorial Building.

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Adams Town Meeting Rejects Petition for Greylock Glen Commission

Town meeting members on Tuesday resoundingly rejected a citizen's petition pushing the creation of a Greylock Glen Commission.

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Adams Special Town Meeting to Take Up Memorial School Development

Town meeting members will decide nine articles at a special town meeting next week, including the disposition of the 72-year-old Memorial Building.

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Dalton Fire District Holding Special Town Meeting Dec. 3

The Fire District will hold a special town meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 3, at the Stationary Factory to appropriate funds for the purchase of an ambulance.

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Dalton Puts HVAC on Hold, OKs Conservation Agent

Voters approved all but one of the four articles on the warrant at the special town meeting that was held on Wednesday at Nessacus Regional Middle School.

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Dalton Special Town Meeting Set Wednesday

A special town meeting will be held at Nessacus Regional Middle School this Wednesday, Oct. 9, at 7 p.m. to vote on four articles.

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Hoosac Valley's $23M Budget Passes Districtwide Vote

Voters of the Hoosac Valley Regional School District passed a fiscal 2025 budget of $23 million on a vote of 218-160. There was no discussion as the question was moved almost unanimously to a vote.

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Dalton Sets Special Town Meeting for Oct. 9

There will be a special town meeting at Nessacus Regional Middle School on Wednesday, Oct. 9, at 7 p.m. to vote on four articles.

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Presentation to Dalton Select Board for Public Safety Funding Request

The Public Safety Facility Advisory Committee is requesting a Special Town meeting to ask voters to approve allocating $100,000 for a feasibility study and grant writing.

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Cheshire Rejects Override, Votes Reduced School Budget

Voters on Monday rejected a Proposition 2 1/2 override and passed a motion that would level fund the town's fiscal 2025 school assessment.

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Dalton Special Town Meeting Approved Police Detail Fund Transfer

The transfer was the only article on the warrant and was requested to ensure that officers can be paid for detail work in a timely manner.

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Dalton Voters to Decide Funding for Police Details Account

The town will be having a special town meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 13, at 7 p.m. at the Wahconah Regional High School to vote on adding additional funds to the police detail fund.

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Dalton Special Town Meeting Set for Dec. 13

The police detail fund is a revolving account that is currently paid up to $25,000 but is drained when a large number of details happen. It stays drained until it is replenished by payments from the private entities that hire the details.